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Juvix mode

The Juvix Emacs mode


To install juvix-mode, clone this repository to a path of your choice:

git clone /path/of/choice/juvix-mode

Then add these lines to your configuration file:

;; add this only if you don't have flycheck already
(use-package flycheck
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode))

;; add this only if you don't have posframe already
(use-package posframe
  :ensure t)

(push "/path/of/choice/juvix-mode" load-path)
(require 'juvix-mode nil t)


Load a file with M-x juvix-load or SPC m l with evil mode. After loading, move the cursor to an identifier to see its type and documentation. load-file

Jump to definition with M-x juvix-goto-definition or g d with evil mode. goto

Get inline error messages with flycheck. error

Format your code automatically with M-x juvix-format-buffer or SPC m f. format

Known issues