Releases: anod/CarWidget
Releases · anod/CarWidget
App UI rewritten in Jetpack Compose
Migrate from shared preferences to SqlDelight
New material YOU theme
Drop old Android versions support (<Android 10)
All paid functionality that still supported in new Android is available for free
- Enhanced AlertWindow, widget scope, icon pack, custom icon, InCarStatus, permissions, and settings features and fixed bugs
- Added translations, monochrome icon, auto color, icons theme chooser, bluetooth functionality, advanced shortcut edit, tile color, app chooser dialog, intent chooser, color dialog, icon scale dialog, autorun app, music app chooser, notification shortcuts configuration, material you skin, refreshing preview, theming, intent edit fragment features and removed free vs pro version feature
- Simplified backup/restore, widget customization preview, and clickable slider icons features and implemented them
- Migrated icons, HorizontalPage, NavRail, SQL Delight, Compose, ListItem features and organized them
- Fixed navigation, skin selection, screen rotation, catalog entry, media app chooser, widget settings, splash screen, Material 3 design, shortcuts, widgets, preferences, bluetooth features and improved them
- Introduced material you skin feature and refactored it
- Compiled the release version with Java 17 and fixed the jvmTarget and compilation issues
- Migrated from LiveData to Flow and upgraded the composable library to beta
- Migrating the preferences and about screens to compose and adding navigation and Koin
- Adding material you skin and updating the preferences accordingly
- Upgrading the runtime permissions and requesting BLUETOOTH permission
- Refactoring the project into multiple modules for better modularity and readability
- Registering the broadcast service when booking a device
- Removing the wifi settings and cleaning the unused code
- Adding a widgets list feature for quick access
App Shortcuts
Fix alpha color. selection
Alternative screen on
v2.1.3 Fix persistence of use alert
Android 10 support
Rewrite backup for Android 10 (now it's just 3 buttons in about screen)
Upgrade libraries and rewrite deprecated functionality
Tweak app theme
Add app shortcut to switch incar mode
Ask for ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION permission for Android 10
Bug fixes & memory leaks
v1.8.5 version 1.8.5
Widget button choice
- Small button function choice: Settings, InCar, Hidden
- Bug fixes: notification shortcuts, show not paired BT devices
Car Dock, Music Choice, Screen On
- Choose music player when pressing play/pause shortcut
1.7 - Add Screen On while charging option
- Add Car Dock detection
- Use new Activity Recognition API
- Fix number of shortcuts
- Layout changes