- Start a HTTP Service user that listen on 8089
- Start a HTTP Service shop that listen on 8090
- Start a HTTP Service promotion that listen on 8091
- Start Kong as a mesh sidecar in the same pod with the service
- Configure Kong and the pod iptables to send all traffic redirect through Kong
create user info
call /api/v6/shop/items in the shop Service
response is {"result":{"userId":"1234", "userName":"vincent"}}
query account info for the user
call /api/v6/shop/order in the shop Service
response is {"userId":"1234", "detail":{"moneyLeft":52000,"deposit":12000}}
health checking
response is { "status":"UP" }
return the shop items info
response is {"items": [{"itemId":"001", "itemName":"cloth"}, {"itemId":"002", "itemName":"cloth1"}, {"itemId":"003", "itemName":"cloth2"}]}
place a shopping order
call /api/v6/promotion/query in the promotion Service
response is {"userId": "1234", "itemId": "002" }
return the product delivery info
response is {"itemId": "002", "destination": "shenzhen"}
health checking
response is { "status":"UP" }
query the promotion details
response is {"promotions": [{"itemId":"001", "status":"off"}, {"itemId":"002", "status":"on"}, {"itemId":"003", "status":"on"} ]}
query the discount info for a specific item
call /api/v6/product/deliver in the shop Service
response is {"discount": "40", "itemId": "002" }
health checking
response is { "status":"UP" }
make build-docker-images
make run
we can use the clusterIP to invoke the service API
root@VM-0-14-ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/kong-mesh/kong-mesh-http-demo# curl -v
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8089 (#0)
> GET /api/v6/user/accout/query HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: keep-alive
< Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.7.5
< Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:51:10 GMT
< localIP:
< X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 30017
< X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 1
< Via: kong/1.0.0rc3
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"userId": "1234", "detail": {"deposit": 12000, "moneyLeft": 52000}}