First, you need to download the latest version of Coffee. Go to your home directory and run the following command:
git clone
cd caffe/
You need to create the build directory:
mkdir build
Ok, let's start defining and modifying the Makefile.config. inside the Caffe root directory:
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
Now we want to modify the Makefile.config file. Start editing it by
nano Makefile.config
Inside this file, you should change the following items based on your username on Compute Canada Servers. Therefore, everywhere you see your_username, change it.
USE_CUDNN := 1 (remove # before it)
CUDA_DIR := /cvmfs/
remove following lines:
-gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20
-gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_21 \ -
BLAS := mkl
For Python, we have two options. First, using python 2.7 and the second is using Python 3.x. There is no difference between them, but in my experience, I would suggest using Python 3.x. I assume you have installed Anaconda. If you did not install Anaconda, no worry, I explain two ways:
Without Anaconda:
- comment these two lines:
PYTHON_INCLUDE := /usr/include/python2.7 \ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include
- set:
PYTHON_LIBRARIES := boost_python35-mt python3.5m
PYTHON_INCLUDE := /cvmfs/ \ /home/your_username/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/include
- set:
PYTHON_LIB := /cvmfs/
- uncomment
- comment these two lines:
With Anaconda:
- The only difference is you should put a correct address to the python files and libs inside Anaconda directory.
Before we start building Caffe, we need to build protobuf library. Although both beluga and cedars have this library, we need a specific version that is not installed on them. We need protobuf 3.0 alpha. Follow these steps:
- inside your home directory, create a folder. for example,
mkdir local_pkgs
. Go to this folder. wget
tar -xf protobuf-cpp-3.0.0-alpha-1.tar.gz
- Go into the extracted source directory and execute
./configure --prefix=<your home directory>/local_pkgs
- Execute
make -j<number of parallel threads>
- Execute
make install
- Go to home directory.
nano ~/.bashrc
. Set the PATH environment variable to include<your home directory>/local_pkgs/bin
. You can do it like this:export PATH=$PATH:/home/your_username/local_pkgs/bin
- Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include
<your home directory>/local_pkgs/lib
. Iike the step 7,export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/your_username/local_pkgs/lib
- You need also add anaconda lib path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Similar to the step 8:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/your_username/anaconda3/lib
In this section, we list the essential libraries you need to include before building Caffe. Be careful about the order of loading libraries and their versions to avoid inconsistency.
module purge
module load nixpkgs/16.09
module load gcc/7.3.0
module load opencv/3.4.3
module load python/3.5.4
module load leveldb
module load hdf5
module load cuda/10.1
module load cudnn/7.6.5
module load boost/1.68.0
pip install --user numpy
A good idea is to save the current loaded modules.
module save my_modules
Then load it anytime you want by:
module restore my_modules
First, if you are using the python libraries, not from Anaconda, just rename the anaconda directory temporarily until the end of the building procedure. Now, it's time to build Caffe. Inside the Caffe's root directory:
make clean
make all
To build pycaffe (python interface)
make pycaffe
make distribute
Finally, you need to request an interactive job to run tests:
make test
make runtest
If you succeed in all the tests then you've successfully installed Caffe in your system ! One good reason to smile ! Now you can rename the anaconda directory to its original one.
To use pycaffe, you need to update your ~/.bashrc file.
nano ~/.bashrc
Add this line at the end of your file:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/your_username/caffe/python
To use pycaffe, you need to install some packages. Follow this section:
pip install --user networkx==2.2
pip install --user scikit-image==0.15.0
pip install --user google
pip install --user protobuf
finish, now you can take a rest and have a coffee 😀☕️
Just some notes.
- every time you need to load all packages I mentioned.