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ChromaDB Vector Store Kubernetes Chart

This chart deploys a ChromaDB Vector Store cluster on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Security - the ability to secure chroma API with TLS and OIDC <- PoC completed waiting to be merged in the main repo
  • Backup and restore - the ability to back up and restore the index data
  • Observability - the ability to monitor the cluster using Prometheus and Grafana


Note: These prerequisites are necessary for local testing. If you have a Kubernetes cluster already setup you can skip

  • Docker
  • Minikube
  • Helm

Notes on the Chart image

To make it possible and efficient to run chroma in Kubernetes we take the chroma base image ( and we improve on it by:

  • Removing unnecessary files from the /chroma dir
  • Improving on the script to make it more suitable for running in Kubernetes

Checkout image/ dir for more details.

Installing the Chart

Setup the helm repo:

helm repo add chroma
helm repo update
helm search repo chroma/

Update the values.yaml file to match your environment.

helm install chroma chroma/chromadb -f values.yaml

Example values.yaml file:

  allowReset: "true"

Alternatively you can specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

helm install chroma chroma/chromadb --set chromadb.allowReset="true"

Chart Configuration Values

Key Type Default Description
chromadb.apiVersion string 0.5.5 The ChromaDB version. Supported version 0.4.3 - 0.4.24
chromadb.allowReset boolean false Allows resetting the index (delete all data)
chromadb.isPersistent boolean true A flag to control whether data is persisted
chromadb.persistDirectory string /index_data The location to store the index data. This configure both chromadb and underlying persistent volume
chromadb.logConfigFileLocation string config/log_config.yaml The location of the log config file. By default the on in the chart's config/ dir is taken
chromadb.anonymizedTelemetry boolean false The flag to send anonymized stats using posthog. By default this is enabled in the chromadb however for user's privacy we have disabled it so it is opt-in
chromadb.corsAllowOrigins list - "*" The CORS config. By default we allow all (possibly a security concern)
chromadb.apiImpl string - "chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI" The default API impl. It uses SegmentAPI however FastAPI is also available. Note: FastAPI seems to be bugging so we discourage users to use it in releases prior or equal to 0.4.3
chromadb.serverHost string The API server host.
chromadb.serverHttpPort int 8000 The API server port.
chromadb.dataVolumeSize string 1Gi The data volume size.
chromadb.dataVolumeStorageClass string standard The storage class
chromadb.auth.enabled boolean true A flag to enable/disable authentication in Chroma
chromadb.auth.type string token Type of auth. Currently "token" (apiVersion>=0.4.8) and "basic" (apiVersion>=0.4.7) are supported.
chromadb.auth.existingSecret string "" Name of an existing secret with the auth credentials. For token auth the secret should have token data and for basic auth the secret should have username and password data.
image.repository string The repository of the image.

Verifying installation

minikube service chroma-chromadb --url

Building the Docker image

docker build --no-cache -t <image:tag> -f image/Dockerfile .
docker push <image:tag>

Setup Kubernetes Cluster

For this example we'll set up a Kubernetes cluster using minikube.

minikube start --addons=ingress -p chroma #create a simple minikube cluster with ingress addon
minikube profile chroma #select chroma profile in minikube as active for kubectl commands

Chroma Authentication

Note: Token auth is enabled by default

By default, the chart will use a chromadb-auth secret in Chroma's namespace to authenticate requests. This secret is generated at install time.

Chroma authentication is supported for the following API versions:

  • basic >= 0.4.7
  • token >= 0.4.8

Note: Using auth parameters with lower version will result in auth parameters being ignored.

Token Auth

Token Auth works with two types of headers that can be configured via chromadb.auth.token.tokenHeader:

  • AUTHORIZATION (default) - the clients are expected to pass Authorization: Brearer <token> header
  • X-CHROMA-TOKEN - the clients are expected to pass X-Chroma-Token: <token> header

Get the token:

export CHROMA_TOKEN=$(kubectl --namespace default get secret chromadb-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
export CHROMA_HEADER_NAME=$(kubectl --namespace default get configmap chroma-chromadb-token-auth-config -o jsonpath="{.data.CHROMA_AUTH_TOKEN_TRANSPORT_HEADER}")

Note: The above examples assume default namespace is used for Chroma deployment.

Test the token:

curl -v http://localhost:8000/api/v1/collections -H "${CHROMA_HEADER_NAME}: Bearer ${CHROMA_TOKEN}"

Note: The above curl assumes a localhost forwarding is made to port 8000 Note: If auth header is AUTHORIZATION then add Bearer prefix to the token when using curl.

Basic Auth

Get auth credentials:

CHROMA_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=$(kubectl --namespace default get secret chromadb-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.username}" | base64 --decode)
CHROMA_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=$(kubectl --namespace default get secret chromadb-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode)

Note: The above examples assume default namespace is used for Chroma deployment.

Test the token:

curl -v http://localhost:8000/api/v1/collections -u "${CHROMA_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME}:${CHROMA_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD}"

Note: The above curl assumes a localhost forwarding is made to port 8000

Using custom/existing secret

Create a secret with the auth credentials:

kubectl create secret generic chromadb-auth-custom --from-literal=token="my-token"

To use a custom/existing secret for auth credentials, set chromadb.auth.existingSecret to the name of the secret.

    existingSecret: "chromadb-auth-custom"


helm install chroma chroma/chromadb --set chromadb.auth.existingSecret="chromadb-auth-custom"

Verify the auth is working:

export CHROMA_TOKEN=$(kubectl --namespace default get secret chromadb-auth-custom -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
export CHROMA_HEADER_NAME=$(kubectl --namespace default get configmap chroma-chromadb-token-auth-config -o jsonpath="{.data.CHROMA_AUTH_TOKEN_TRANSPORT_HEADER}")
curl -v http://localhost:8000/api/v1/collections -H "${CHROMA_HEADER_NAME}: Bearer ${CHROMA_TOKEN}"

Using the chart as a dependency

To use the chart as a dependency, add the following to your Chart.yaml file:

  - name: chromadb
    version: 0.1.19
    repository: ""

Then, run helm dependency update to install the chart.
