MCC NList 0.127
Version 0.127 of MCC NList:
NList.mcc 20.146 18.12.2020
NListview.mcc 19.101 18.12.2020
NFloattext.mcc 19.82 18.12.2020
NListviews.mcp 19.97 18.12.2020
NListtree.mcc 18.53 18.12.2020
NListtree.mcp 18.41 18.12.2020
NBitmap.mcc 15.31 18.12.2020
NBalance.mcc 15.27 18.12.2020
- nlist_mcc/ClipboardServer.c, nlisttree_mcc/ClipboardServer.c: changed the
default path for "CURRDIR:" and "PROGDIR:" to "T:", because the "MUI:"
assign does not exist on all systems, i.e. AROS.