MCC NList 0.126
Version 0.126 of MCC NList:
NList.mcc 20.145 01.07.2020
NListview.mcc 19.100 01.07.2020
NFloattext.mcc 19.81 01.07.2020
NListviews.mcp 19.96 01.07.2020
NListtree.mcc 18.52 01.07.2020
NListtree.mcp 18.40 01.07.2020
NBitmap.mcc 15.30 01.07.2020
NBalance.mcc 15.26 01.07.2020
- nlist_mcc/ClipboarsServer.c, nlisttree_mcc: set "MUI:" as default "CURRDIR:"
and "PROGDIR:" for the global clipboard server process to avoid locking the
directory of the first started MUI application using this class until it is
eventually flushed from memory. - nlistviews_mcp/locale/italian.po: completed italian translation with strings
kindly provided my Samir Hawamdeh.