MCC NList 0.124
Version 0.124 of MCC NList:
NList.mcc 20.143 15.01.2018
NListview.mcc 19.98 15.01.2018
NFloattext.mcc 19.79 15.01.2018
NListviews.mcp 19.94 15.01.2018
NListtree.mcc 18.50 15.01.2018
NListtree.mcp 18.38 15.01.2018
NBitmap.mcc 15.28 15.01.2018
NBalance.mcc 15.24 15.01.2018
- misc: add the unique names for private custom classes for MUI4 and up only. With MUI 3.8 this causes crashes.