Welcome to CryptoKit, a framework making cryptography easier and safer on macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS.
CryptoKit is an open source cryptographic framework designed to make cryptography operations on easier and safer.
Encryption and digest calculation using the core Foundation frameworks is everything but trivial. CommonCrypto is notoriously low-level, inconvenient to use from Swift and Objective-C and its error handling is ambiguous.
Cryptography is easy to get wrong. Chosing the correct cipher, composing cryptographic operations in a correct manner and avoiding low-level C language pitfalls is hard.
In order to fix this problem, this framework provides convenience methods and categories for various CoreFoundation classes to make encryption and digest calculation safer, less error-prone and easier by applying good, safe and effective algorithms by default.
Some key design considerations of CryptoKit are:
- API simplicity
- Safe by default
- Automatic initialization vector generation
- Key/password rotation
- Encrypted data integrity and versioning
- Unambiguous errors
- First level support in Objective-C and Swift
- Constant memory space usage where possible
CryptoKit does not intend to replace CommonCrypto or OpenSSL. It is merely a simpler user interface to a subset of CommonCryptos operation set.
CryptoKit makes heavy use of data streams internally. This guarantees that all crypto and digest operations run in constant memory space when using the stream based APIs.
Encryption and decryption rely on a custom data format providing means to ensure data integrity.
CryptoKit requires at least:
- iOS 8.0
- macOS 10.8
- tvOS 9.0
- watchOS 2.0
Integrating this framework with Cocoapods is straightforward.
Just declare this dependency in your Podfile:
pod 'CryptoKit', :git => 'https://github.com/ameingast/cryptokit.git'
To use Carthage (a more lightweight but more hands on package manager) just create a Cartfile
github "ameingast/cryptokit" ~> 1.6.0
Then follow the steps in the Carthage guide basically:
- run
carthage update
- drag the framework from Carthage/Build into Linked Frameworks on the General tab
- add
carthage copy-frameworks
to aRun Scripts
and you're done. The steps for Mac are very similar.
CryptoKit extends the following classes:
All (low-level) CommonCrypto functionality is executed through the CryptoKitEngine class which provides convience functions for stream-based encryption and stream-based digest calculation.
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)encryptData
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *plainData = [NSData new]; // replace with real data
NSData *encryptedData = [plainData encryptedDataWithPassword:@"secret" error:&error];
if (encryptedData) {
// deal with encrypted data
} else {
// error handling
- (void)decryptData
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *encryptedData = [NSData new]; // replace with real data
NSData *plainData = [encryptedData decryptedDataWithPassword:@"secret" error:&error];
if (plainData) {
// deal with decrypted data data
} else {
// error handling
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)encryptStream
NSError *error = nil;
NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream new]; // replace with real data
NSOutputStream *outputStream = [NSOutputStream new]; // replace with real data
BOOL result = [NSStream encryptInputStream:inputStream toOutputStream:outputStream password:@"secret" error:&error];
if (result) {
// encrypted data written to outputStream
} else {
// error handling
- (void)decryptStream
NSError *error = nil;
NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream new]; // replace with real data
NSOutputStream *outputStream = [NSOutputStream new]; // replace with real data
BOOL result = [NSStream decryptInputStream:inputStream toOutputStream:outputStream password:@"secret" error:&error];
if (result) {
// decrypted data written to outputStream
} else {
// error handling
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)encryptURL
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *sourceURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"plain"]; // replace with real data
NSURL *targetURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"encrypted"]; // replace with real data
BOOL result = [sourceURL encryptedURLWithPassword:@"secret" targetURL:targetURL error:&error];
if (result) {
// encrypted data written to targetURL
} else {
// error handling
- (void)decryptURL
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *sourceURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"encrypted"]; // replace with real data
NSURL *targetURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"plain"]; // replace with real data
BOOL result = [sourceURL decryptedURLWithPassword:@"secret" targetURL:targetURL error:&error];
if (result) {
// decrypted data written to targetURL
} else {
// error handling
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)calculateDigest
NSData *data = [NSData new]; // replace with real data
NSString *hashInHumanReadableForm = [data md5HexHash];
// ...
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)calculateDigest
NSString *string = @"Some string"; // replace with real data
NSString *hashInHumanReadableForm = [string md5HexHash];
// ...
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)calculateDigest
NSError *error = nil;
NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream new]; // replace with real data
NSString *hashInHumanReadableForm = [inputStream md5HexHash:&error];
if (hashInHumanReadableForm) {
// ...
} else {
// deal with error
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)calculateDigest
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *url = [NSURL new]; // replace with real data
NSString *hashInHumanReadableForm = [url md5HexHash:&error];
if (hashInHumanReadableForm) {
// ...
} else {
// deal with error
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)encryptAndPartitionData:(NSURL *)dataURL
toDirectory:(NSURL *)directoryURL
NSError *error, *handlerError;
BOOL result = [dataURL disassembleFromURLWithpartitionStrategy:CKPartitionStrategyRandom
chunkHandler:CKChunkHandlerForFilesInDirectory(directoryURL, &handlerError);
if (result) {
// ...
} else {
// deal with error
#import <CryptoKit/CryptoKit.h>
- (void)decryptPartitionedDataFromDirectory:(NSURL *)directoryURL
toDataURL:(NSURL *)dataURL
NSError *error, *providerError;
BOOL result = [dataURL assembleToURLWithPassword:@"secret"
chunkProvider:CKChunkProviderForFilesInDirectory(directoryURL, &providerError);
if (result) {
// ...
} else {
// deal with error
More code samples can be found in the test suite.
The encryption format is designed with several goals in mind:
- security
- authenticity
- backwards compatibility
The data layout of the encrypted binary looks as follows:
From | To | Size | Content |
0 | 3 | 4B | Magic Number (Plain) |
4 | 7 | 4B | Version (Plain) |
8 | 23 | 16B | IV (Plain) |
24 | 87 | 64B | Salt (Plain) |
88 | 151 | 64B | IV + Salt Checksum (Plain) |
152 | 255 | 104B | Reserved |
256 | EOF-80 | VARYING | Payload (Encrypted) |
EOF-79 | EOF | 80B | Payload Checksum (Encrypted) |
A 4 byte magic number identifying the encrypted binary content. 32bit integer. Always the same.
A 4 byte version number used to check for compatibility. 32bit integer. Value can change in later releases.
A 16 byte initialization vector that is used for encryption/decryption. Binary data.
A 64 byte salt value that is used for encryption/decryption. Binary data.
A 64 byte SHA512 checksum of the initialization vector + salt used for sanity checking the header. Binary data.
A 104 byte padding reserved for future use. Binary data. Offset can change in later releases.
A dynamically sized payload. Binary data.
An 80 byte trailer containing an encrypted checksum of the payload. Binary data. Offset depending on length of encrypted payload.
Please submit bug reports and improvements through pull-requests or tickets on Github.
This project uses conservative compiler settings and a clang-format profile.
Please be sure that no compiler warnings occur before sending patches or pull requests upstream.
If you like this library, please consider donating. Thank you!
Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Andreas Meingast [email protected].
The framework is published under a BSD style license. For more information, please see the LICENSE file.
CryptoKit was formerly known as CocoaCryptoHashing. It provided roughly the same functionality, but was built on top of OpenSSL which is no longer used for iOS and macOS development.
The project was renamed and re-implemented from scratch when OpenSSL was switched out for CommonCrypto.