First off, include some common aliases and functions.
echo "source ~/.dotfiles/.myrc" >> ~/.zshrc
Everything else in this repo is laid out to be used with GNU Stow. Following tools can be configured using stow
- Allacrity:
stow alacritty
- Git:
stow git
- Neovim:
stow nvim
- Tmux:
stow tmux
After stowing, run the following commands for tmux
plugin manager setup. From your home folder execute:
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Then inside tmux
, press <prefix> + I
to install plugins defined in .tmux.conf
Also make sure to have a proper font installed, for example if you are on mac:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
You can use FiraCode
by installing
brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font # macOS
sudo pacman -S ttf-firacode-nerd # arch btw
If you use Arch by the way, you can install the fonts from here, like this:
sudo pacman -S ttf-hack-nerd
Some common tmux shortcuts, so that I don't forget them. Current prefix is <Ctrl-z>
pane zoom: <prefix> + z
pane resize up: <prefix> + <M-up>
pane resize down: <prefix> + <M-down>
pane resize left: <prefix> + <M-left>
pane resize right: <prefix> + <M-right>
move between panes: <prefix> + arrows
sync panes ON: <prefix> + e
sync panes OFF: <prefix> + E
pane split verticaly: <prefix> + v
pane split horizontally: <prefix> + h
list open sessions: <prefix> + s
reload tmux config: <prefix> + r
source tmux config: <prefix> + R
Some common nvim shortcuts, so that I don't forget them
<leader> key: SPACE
<C> key: CTRL
<M> key: Option/Alt
<S> key: Shift
show treeview: <C-n>
find file by name: <C-p>
lazygit: <leader> lg
grep files: <leader> fg
format file with: <leader> gf
metals commands: <leader> gm
go to definition: gd
go to implementation: go
show docs: <S> k
go back: <C-o>
go forward: <C-i>
next word: w
previous word: b
end of word: e
find char: f
till char: t
mach bracket (,[ or { %
first line of file: gg
last line of file: G
go to line X X + G
begining of file: [[
end of file: ]]
next current word: *
prev current word: #
increment number: <C> + a
decrement number: <C> + x
join lines: <S> + j
repeat last action: .