A PHP OpenID Connect client library.
I created this client library implementing the JOSE (JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption) specification targeted towards OpenID Connect clients. The library should be considered experimental as it only supports RS256, RS384 and RS512 algorithms and key types.
The project was originally designed for use with Identity Server 3, a C# OpenID Connect Provider but I've gradually made it more generic so it should work with any OpenID provider.
As of yet the library is lacking many algorithms and key types, it currently only supports RSA public / private key encryption but doesn't support ECDSA, HMAC and RSASSA-PSS.
The library currently only supports JWS's and not JWE's.
If you would like to contribute to this project please contact me. I'd be more than happy to add implementations for different keys and algorithms. I would also love to increase code coverage and test the library against various different OpenID Connect providers to ensure it follows the OpenID Connect standard in different contexts.