- Below you will find instructions on techs used, how to run locally (with venv), how to run with docker and how to run tests. I've also provided example templates, though they only contain dummy data.
- Django Admin has also been enabled and has the two models registered, to simplify manual testing.
- You will also find a complete project structure, thought to include internationalization, different managers for the models ORM, serializers (using Django REST Framework), diagrams documentation (using PUML), static content (for when the project includes a frontend), templatetags (functions callable from the frontend templates), test coverage, flake8, pre-commit hooks and docker.
- All requirements are set in the requirements.txt file. They are not pinned, though that's recommended on a real project.
- It's also prepared to host many django applications to modularize the entire project.
- I didn't use Gitflow because I'm the only developer, and it's a small project, but I use it on all my actual projects.
- The ReadableWritableModelView is a custom view Mixin I use to build Views that should behave differently when reading from them than when writing to them. It also includes authentication permission. We don't need it in this project, but I left it as example.
- The architecture of this project includes patterns such as MVC (which is implemented by Django), REST (implemented using DRF) and Layers of Isolation.
- Settings are separated into 3 files: a base file containing common settings, a development and a production files to hold each environment's specific settings.
- The ReservationsView inherits from DRF's ModelViewSet and thus, it provides full CRUD operations. Those operations
won't work since the serializer I use was created specifically for the operation that was requested. Other serializers
should be created for other endpoints, but I left them to show the full productivity potential of DRF. It also has the line
# permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
commented as an example, but we won't use authentication, to simplify. - I've implemented Swagger and you can use it to access and test the API at http:///api/v1/swagger/.
- The endpoint that returns "the table of Reservations with previous reservation ID." is at
- Pagination is also implemented.
Have fun :)
- All Reservations have "correct" dates. That means: checkout date is always greater than, or equals its checkin date. This could be checked with custom validations on a real project: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/forms/validation/
- Reservations don't overlap for a same rental. Otherwise, the logic for get_previous_reservation in the serializer should be more complex.
The entire project took 214 minutes in total, to be completed.
- Python 3.10.3
- Django 4
- Create virtual environment and activate it. Example:
virtualenv venv
- Enter environment: Example:
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install pre-commit hooks feature:
pre-commit install
- Create an
file at project root for storing secrets. File .env-example is provided as a guide of this file's content. Make sure you copy your SECRET_KEY there. - Generate migration files:
python manage.py makemigrations
- Run migrations:
python manage.py migrate
- Create superuser (you need this to access the admin backoffice):
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Run using
python manage.py runserver
- Create
(you may use docker-compose.example.yml as reference) - Make sure to have Docker running on your system (in mac, you should have docker icon in top menu).
- Run using:
docker-compose up
- Run the tests with
python manage.py test
- Get test coverage with:
coverage run --source='.' manage.py test
coverage report --skip-covered --show-missing
- Make sure your service name for the django app is
or change it accordingly in the following commands. - Run the tests with
docker-compose run web python manage.py test
- Get test coverage with:
docker-compose run web coverage run --source='.' manage.py test
docker-compose run web coverage report --skip-covered --show-missing