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Mick A edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 3 revisions


Specifically playtime, owned games, badges, and Steam level. For player summaries, bans and friend list, go to ISteamUser

Method Description
GetRecentlyPlayedGames Get information about games the user has played within the last 2 weeks.
GetOwnedGames Retrieve a list of all games the user has ever bought or installed (free-to-play).
GetSteamLevel Get the current Steam Level of the user, and absolutely nothing more.
GetBadges Get all badges the user currently has, and some detailed level information.
GetCommunityBadgeProgress Returns the badge progress for specific task-based badges.


[to top of page]

Get information about games the user has played within the last 2 weeks.


getRecentlyPlayedGames(steamID[, count])


steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Type: Integer
Default: 0

Number of recently played games to return. Unset or 0 will return all recently played games


Integer count
Number of returned games

Array games
Array of objects containing information about recently played games

String name
Full name of the game

Integer appID
Steam internal app ID, always unique

Integer playtime
Total game playtime in minutes

Integer playtime_recent
Game playtime in minutes over the last 2 weeks

String url_store
Basic url to store page, url is not canonical (name is not in url)

String url_store_header
Basic url to header image for Steam store page, url stays the same but the resulting image can change frequently

String url_app_logo
Url to app logo, seems to always be 184x69 pixels and never changes

String url_app_icon
Url to app icon, seems to always be 32x32 pixels and never changes


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getRecentlyPlayedGames('76561198099490962', 2).then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "count": 2,
    "games": [
            "name": "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive",
            "appID": 730,
            "playtime": 61040,
            "playtime_recent": 264,
            "url_store": "",
            "url_store_header": "",
            "url_app_logo": "",
            "url_app_icon": ""
            "name": "Call of Duty: World at War",
            "appID": 10090,
            "playtime": 817,
            "playtime_recent": 24,
            "url_store": "",
            "url_store_header": "",
            "url_app_logo": "",
            "url_app_icon": ""


[to top of page]

Retrieve a list of all games the user has ever bought or installed (free-to-play). This list is seemingly not sorted in any way at all. This will likely not match the user's current library, as some may have installed a free-to-play game, never played it, and then uninstalled it. Even then, that free-to-play game will forever be included as an "owned game."

Despite the Web API claiming that free-to-play games are excluded by default, and may be included if specified, this isn't true and free-to-play games will ALWAYS be returned no matter what you try to tell the Web API. Trust me, I tried and include_played_free_games does literally nothing. Sadly there is no way to tell if any of the returned games are free-to-play with this API on it's own, so you'll either have to use another API to check, or keep track of all appIDs of free-to-play games. Thanks Volvo...


getOwnedGames(steamID[, appIDs[, moreInfo]])


steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Type: Array
Default: null

Array of integer appIDs (or just one integer, no array necessary) to specifically retrieve, set to null to get all owned games


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Set to true to get more info: name, image urls


Integer count
Number of returned games

Array games
Array of objects containing information about owned games

String name
Full name of the game, only returned if moreInfo is true

Integer appID
Steam internal app ID, always unique

Integer playtime
Total game playtime in minutes

Integer playtime_recent
Game playtime in minutes over the last 2 weeks

String url_store
Basic url to store page, url is not canonical (name is not in url)

String url_store_header
Basic url to header image for Steam store page, url stays the same but the resulting image can change frequently, only returned if moreInfo is true

String url_app_logo
Url to app logo, seems to always be 184x69 pixels and never changes, only returned if moreInfo is true

String url_app_icon
Url to app icon, seems to always be 32x32 pixels and never changes, only returned if moreInfo is true


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getOwnedGames('76561198099490962', [730, 264710], true).then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "count": 2,
    "games": [
            "name": "Subnautica",
            "appID": 264710,
            "playtime": 224,
            "playtime_recent": 0,
            "url_store": "",
            "url_store_header": "",
            "url_app_logo": "",
            "url_app_icon": ""
            "name": "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive",
            "appID": 730,
            "playtime": 61040,
            "playtime_recent": 264,
            "url_store": "",
            "url_store_header": "",
            "url_app_logo": "",
            "url_app_icon": ""


[to top of page]

Get the current Steam Level of the user, and absolutely nothing more.




steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Integer level
Steam level of the user


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getSteamLevel('76561198099490962').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "level": 71


[to top of page]

Get all badges the user currently has, and some detailed level information.




steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Integer level
Steam level of the user

Integer xp
Total XP the Steam user has

Integer level_xp
The XP requirement for the user's current Steam level

Integer next_level_xp
The XP requirement for the next Steam level

Object badges
Badges by types

Object game
Game badges listed by app IDs

Integer appID
Steam internal app ID, always unique

Integer level
Level of the badge, could be any positive integer, or 0 if only the foil badge was unlocked

Integer earned
Time the badge was initially level 1, in seconds since the epoch, could be 0 if only the foil badge was unlocked

Integer xp
Amount of XP the badge is worth, could be 0 if only the foil badge was unlocked

Integer scarcity
The total number of Steam users with a badge level equal to or higher than this badge level, could be 0 if only the foil badge was unlocked

Object foil
The foil badge information, could be 0 if the user has not unlocked the foil version. Contains the level, earned, xp and scarcity properties

Object event
Limited time event badges, listed by event tag names. Other than the new name property, the badges are identical in structure to game badges

String name
Full name of the badge

Object special
Steam specific badges, each with a very unique way of earning/ leveling, listed by tag names. Identical to event badges, but they have no appID or foil property


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getBadges('76561198099490962').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "level": 71,
    "xp": 29042,
    "level_xp": 28800,
    "next_level_xp": 29600,
    "badges": {
        "game": {
            "730": {
                "appID": 730,
                "level": 5,
                "earned": 1466352436,
                "xp": 500,
                "scarcity": 2794555,
                "foil": 0
            "506670": {
                "appID": 506670,
                "level": 5,
                "earned": 1495724426,
                "xp": 500,
                "scarcity": 23664,
                "foil": 0
        "event": {
            "summer-2016": {
                "name": "2016: Summer Sale",
                "appID": 480730,
                "level": 1,
                "earned": 1467080364,
                "xp": 100,
                "scarcity": 990954,
                "foil": 0
            "awards-2017": {
                "name": "2017: Steam Awards",
                "appID": 762800,
                "level": 22,
                "earned": 1517712529,
                "xp": 2200,
                "scarcity": 13291,
                "foil": 0
        "special": {
            "games": {
                "name": "Owned Games",
                "level": 127,
                "earned": 1547050916,
                "xp": 356,
                "scarcity": 4750842
            "years": {
                "name": "Years of Service",
                "level": 5,
                "earned": 1374542223,
                "xp": 250,
                "scarcity": 68071999


[to top of page]

Returns the badge progress for specific task-based badges.


getBadgeProgress(steamID[, badgeID])


steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Type: String
Default: community

Badge ID, could also be the true integer value of the badge ID. Valid values for this are currently community, summer-2012, holiday-2012, hardware-beta, awards-2016, awards-2017, awards-2018 and spring-cleaning.


Object quests
Object of quests, listed by quest IDs

String name
Always 'unknown'. This will eventually contain the description of the task once a map is created to connect quest IDs to their actual tasks. You can support development of this feature by finding the quests.json file inside the json directory in the repository code!

Boolean completed
Whether or not the task has been completed

Integer count
Number of quests for this badge

Integer completed
Number of completed quests for this badge


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getBadgeProgress('76561198099490962', 'community').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "quests": {
        "260": {
            "name": "unknown",
            "completed": false
        "261": {
            "name": "unknown",
            "completed": false
        "262": {
            "name": "unknown",
            "completed": false
        "263": {
            "name": "unknown",
            "completed": false
    "count": 4,
    "completed": 0