In this project, I will clean, analyze and visualize my dataset using Excel, SQL and Tableau
Churn data for a fictional Telecommunications company that provides phone and internet services to 7,043 customers in California, and includes details about customer demographics, location, services, and current status.
- Having, ISNULL, Except, update
- Information_schema.columns, Alter table, alter column
- Len, Nested select clause, nested where clause
- CTE, Inner join, Case when
- How many customers joined the company during the last quarter? How many customers churned, stayed?
- What is the customer profile for a customer that churned, joined, and stayed? Are they different?
- What city that can be focused to develop ( have the potential development)?
- Is the company losing high value customers?
- Why the customers leave?
- Source: Maven Analytics Challenge
- Tool: SQL to clean and analyze, Tableau to visualize