In this case study, I will analyze a car_sales data set. To answer the critical questions regarding the data present, I will follow the steps of the data analysis process: Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyze, Share, and Act.
- ETL: jupyter Notebook(python)
- Visualization : Tableau
Data cleaning: Car_sale_dataset
Data process:Car_sale_dataset
- the first chart shows the number of models produced by the manufacturing companies in the data sets, in which Ford and Dodge are the two top companies with more models as compared with others.
- 2nd chart shows the types of vehicles present in the dataset
- 3rd chart shows the sum of the model's prices and the sum of sales of models of the manufacturer, where the prices of Mercedes-B models are much higher than others but they have a lower number of sales compared to Ford which has a higher number of sales
- 4th chart shows the correlation between the prices of models and engine size, the trend shows that as the engine size increases the model price also increases/
- 5th chart digs more deeply into analyzing Mercedes-B and Ford model prices and sales which shows Ford sales are much more than Mercedes-B as they produced affordable models whereas Mercedes-B has lower sales but produces more costly premium models than Ford.