greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases. Being highly optimized for Android, greenDAO offers great performance and consumes minimal memory.
Example based in greenDAO DAOExample (
For more information about greenDAO see .
- greendao-example-daogenerator: Maven project as a container of the dao and dao-generator modules
greendao-example-generator: Defines the schema and launchs the source generation
greendao-example-dao: Target of the source generation to execute the artifact generation
- greendao-example: Android-maven project (uses the greendao-example-dao artifact)
Go to greendao-example-daogenerator/dist and execute the maven-install.txt defined commands to install greenDAO dependencies in your local repository.
Execute the maven install phase in greendao-example-daogenerator to generate the ORM artifact
$ cd greendao-example-daogenerator
$ mvn clean install
Generation of greendao-example-generator artifact
Generation of greendao-example-dao artifact (the ORM API)
- Execute the maven install phase in greendao-example to generate the APK artifact
$ greendao-example
$ mvn clean install
Generation of greendao-example APK artifact