- Greens Tracker keeps track of all temperature, moisture and hole data recorded during a hand watering shift at a golf course
- Greens Tracker was created as I was tired of recording all of this data on paper, and wanted an easy way to keep track of all previous data
- To use this application make sure Java is installed and all files are downloaded. Run by compiling with your favourite editor, or use Java GreensTrackerRun - if running through the command line, make sure the file paths are still valid, or assets will not read correctly
- The application has been used practically at my previous job as a greenskeeper
- This version is a nicer graphical representation of the C program I came up with during the summer of 2017
- To run: (Make sure you have a Java JDK or JRE installed!)
- clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/alexanderMontague/GreensTracker/edit/master/README.md
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd GreensTracker
- Navigate to the src folder:
cd src/
- Compile the program:
javac GreensTrackerRun.java
- Run the application:
java GreensTrackerRun
- The swing GUI should pop up after!
Use or modification of this program is allowed, such that credit is given where necessary
Alexander Montague 2018