Minimalist implementation of Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks in PyTorch.
This codebase implements the Graph Network (GN) block with all the following components:
- Node, edge and global models:
- Node, edge and global aggregations:
The GN block is then built upon thoses in ./
The implementation follows the original pseudocode flow in order to follow along (clarity being more important than efficiency here):
To compare with the following code:
def forward(self, E, V, u, r, s):
E_prime = torch.empty((self.Ne, self.e_dim))
for k in range(self.Ne):
e_k, v_rk, v_sk = E[k], V[r[k]], V[s[k]]
# 1. Compute updated edge attributes
e_prime_k = self.edge_model(e_k, v_rk, v_sk, u)
E_prime[k] = e_prime_k
V_prime = torch.empty((self.Nn, self.n_dim))
for i in range(self.Nn):
if any(r == i):
E_prime_i = torch.stack([E_prime[k] for k in range(self.Ne) if r[k] == i], dim=0)
# 2. Aggregate edge attributes per node
e_prime_bar_i = self.edge_to_node_agg(E_prime_i)
# 3. Compute updated node attributes
v_prime_i = self.node_model(e_prime_bar_i, V[i], u)
V_prime[i] = v_prime_i
# 4. Aggregate edge attributes globally
e_prime_bar = self.edge_to_global_agg(E_prime)
# 5. Aggregate node attributes globally
v_prime_bar = self.node_to_global_agg(V_prime)
# 6. Compute updated global attribute
u_prime = self.global_model(e_prime_bar, v_prime_bar, u)
return E_prime, V_prime, u_prime
A node classifier is trained on the Zachary's karate club dataset using a GN block and a decoder.
In order to launch the training, run the main script:
This assumes you have pytorch as well as pyg installed.
epoch 0 ~ loss=1.38 ~ acc=35.3%
epoch 5 ~ loss=0.83 ~ acc=73.5%
epoch 10 ~ loss=0.09 ~ acc=100.0%
epoch 15 ~ loss=0.00 ~ acc=100.0%
epoch 20 ~ loss=0.00 ~ acc=100.0%
epoch 25 ~ loss=0.00 ~ acc=100.0%
epoch 30 ~ loss=0.00 ~ acc=100.0%