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RStataLink -- R package for calling Stata from R interactively

Aleksander Rutkowski


Execute smaller or larger bits and pieces of Stata code interactively from R in a Stata "server" i.e. not in a batch mode:

  • avoid repeated costly operations, e.g. open Stata and load data in Stata only once and do subsequent operations requiring R<->Stata interaction without re-opening and re-loading
  • easy R<->Stata data exchange (import/export)
  • easy Stata r() and e() "results" extraction (macros, scalars, matrices, coefficients and standard errors), shaped for convenient consumption in R
  • concurrency "primitive" (future-like) and parallel apply()-style functions for executing Stata code in a concurrent/parallel manner in a "cluster" of multiple Stata instances (regular and load-balancing versions)
  • should work cross-platform (Windows, Linux, possibly Mac too) -- pure R and pure Stata code

Make your work with Stata more functional!

Similar but unrelated project: It seems to offer only batch mode i.e. not interactive.

How it works

Stata "server" is a Stata instance running an infinite loop and waiting for new jobs showing up in a specific directory/folder. Thus, the R<->Stata communication is disk-based so it can take place only locally (within a single computer) or through a shared network drive (across computers).

In the latter case (the shared drive approach), Stata would still need to be opened by R with startStata() or startStataCluster() on the "server" computer (e.g. via SSH). The generated StataID object(s) (see i or cl below) need(s) to be serialised (e.g. with saveRDS()) and transmitted in some way to a remote "client" computer to be deserialised (e.g. with readRDS()). The entire path to the shared network drive directory (see argument compath in startStata()) should be the same on both computers ("server" and "client").


if ('remotes' %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
    remotes::install_github('alekrutkowski/RStataLink', INSTALL_opts="--no-staged-install") else
	stop('You need package "remotes"!')

Usage examples

Tell R where Stata is (can be also per-call -- using argument start_cmd in startStata() -- but that would be less convenient):

# A virtualised app in my case, therefore such a complicated path, should be simpler normally:

A single Stata instance functionality demo

For the Stata code pieces use a string with a newline character (\n), or multi-line string, or a character vector (that will be converted to a multi-line string):

i <- startStata()
##      Stata "server" started successfully.
##      StataID object:
##       Stata "server" id:
##       oZV 
##       (you can see it in the top of the Stata window)
##       Full path to the Stata "server" <--> R
##       data exchange directory (folder):
##       C:\Users\rutkoal\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpekNB9k/oZV 
##       Should Stata close if this directory disappears:
##       no
r1 <- doInStata(i, 'display 100 + 15.7', results = NULL)
r1  # results = NULL means no import of Stata e() or r() results
##      $log
##      . display 100 + 15.7
##      115.7
# Use in Stata a built-in demo dataset on cars
# and make a simple regression with robust standard errors
# (the 3 lines of code could be also done with 3 consecutive doInStata calls)
r2 <- doInStata(i,
				'sysuse auto, clear
				regress price weight trunk, robust
				ereturn list')
##      . sysuse auto, clear
##      (1978 Automobile Data)
##      .                                 regress price weight trunk, robust
##      Linear regression                               Number of obs     =         74
##                                                      F(2, 71)          =      16.69
##                                                      Prob > F          =     0.0000
##                                                      R-squared         =     0.2943
##                                                      Root MSE          =     2512.5
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                   |               Robust
##             price |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
##      -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##            weight |   2.266182   .6227162     3.64   0.001     1.024521    3.507842
##             trunk |  -60.03885   88.23694    -0.68   0.498    -235.9783    115.9006
##             _cons |   148.5533   947.5387     0.16   0.876    -1740.785    2037.892
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      .                                 ereturn list
##      scalars:
##                        e(N) =  74
##                     e(df_m) =  2
##                     e(df_r) =  71
##                        e(F) =  16.69201624215745
##                       e(r2) =  .2942577843486112
##                     e(rmse) =  2512.482807011177
##                      e(mss) =  186872936.3792214
##                      e(rss) =  448192459.7424002
##                     e(r2_a) =  .2743777219358961
##                       e(ll) =  -682.8181749520038
##                     e(ll_0) =  -695.7128688987767
##                     e(rank) =  3
##      macros:
##                  e(cmdline) : "regress price weight trunk, robust"
##                    e(title) : "Linear regression"
##                e(marginsok) : "XB default"
##                      e(vce) : "robust"
##                   e(depvar) : "price"
##                      e(cmd) : "regress"
##               e(properties) : "b V"
##                  e(predict) : "regres_p"
##                    e(model) : "ols"
##                e(estat_cmd) : "regress_estat"
##                  e(vcetype) : "Robust"
##      matrices:
##                        e(b) :  1 x 3
##                        e(V) :  3 x 3
##             e(V_modelbased) :  3 x 3
##      functions:
##                   e(sample)
r2$results  # this (below) looks similar to "ereturn list" in Stata (above)
##      $e_class
##      List of 4
##       $ scalars :List of 12
##        ..$ N   : num 74
##        ..$ df_m: num 2
##        ..$ df_r: num 71
##        ..$ F   : num 16.7
##        ..$ r2  : num 0.294
##        ..$ rmse: num 2512
##        ..$ mss : num 1.87e+08
##        ..$ rss : num 4.48e+08
##        ..$ r2_a: num 0.274
##        ..$ ll  : num -683
##        ..$ ll_0: num -696
##        ..$ rank: num 3
##       $ macros  :List of 11
##        ..$ cmdline   : chr "regress price weight trunk, robust"
##        ..$ title     : chr "Linear regression"
##        ..$ marginsok : chr "XB default"
##        ..$ vce       : chr "robust"
##        ..$ depvar    : chr "price"
##        ..$ cmd       : chr "regress"
##        ..$ properties: chr "b V"
##        ..$ predict   : chr "regres_p"
##        ..$ model     : chr "ols"
##        ..$ estat_cmd : chr "regress_estat"
##        ..$ vcetype   : chr "Robust"
##       $ matrices:List of 3
##        ..$ b           :
##         weight trunk _cons
##      y1   2.27   -60   149
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##        ..$ V           :
##               weight   trunk  _cons
##      weight    0.388   -46.5   -435
##      trunk   -46.457  7785.8  24214
##      _cons  -435.200 24213.6 897830
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##        ..$ V_modelbased:
##                weight     trunk     _cons
##      weight  4.14e-08 -5.05e-06 -5.54e-05
##      trunk  -5.05e-06  1.37e-03 -3.53e-03
##      _cons  -5.54e-05 -3.53e-03  2.29e-01
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##       $ modeldf :Classes 'Stata_b_se' and 'data.frame':	3 obs. of  2 variables:
##               coef  stderr
##      weight   2.27   0.623
##      trunk  -60.04  88.237
##      _cons  148.55 947.539
##       - attr(*, "class")= chr "StataResults"
##      $r_class
##      List of 3
##       $ scalars :List of 1
##        ..$ level: num 95
##       $ macros  :List of 1
##        ..$ citype: chr "normal"
##       $ matrices:List of 1
##        ..$ table:
##               weight    trunk     _cons
##      b      2.27e+00  -60.039   148.553
##      se     6.23e-01   88.237   947.539
##      t      3.64e+00   -0.680     0.157
##      pvalue 5.15e-04    0.498     0.876
##      ll     1.02e+00 -235.978 -1740.785
##      ul     3.51e+00  115.901  2037.892
##      df     7.10e+01   71.000    71.000
##      crit   1.99e+00    1.994     1.994
##      eform  0.00e+00    0.000     0.000
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##       - attr(*, "class")= chr "StataResults"
# Use in Stata an R demo dataset on flowers
# modify it (temporarily in Stata with preserve...restore,
# see
# and do a simple regression:
r3 <- doInStata(i, code = 
				gen ln_sepallength = log(sepallength)
				reg ln_sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth',
				df = iris,
				preserve_restore = TRUE)
##      . describe
##      Contains data
##        obs:           150                          
##       vars:             5                          
##       size:         3,900                          
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    storage   display    value
##      variable name   type    format     label      variable label
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      sepallength     float   %9.0g                 Sepal.Length
##      sepalwidth      float   %9.0g                 Sepal.Width
##      petallength     float   %9.0g                 Petal.Length
##      petalwidth      float   %9.0g                 Petal.Width
##      species         str10   %10s                  Species
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Sorted by: 
##           Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
##      .                                 gen ln_sepallength = log(sepallength)
##      .                                 reg ln_sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth
##            Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       150
##      -------------+----------------------------------   F(3, 146)       =    304.61
##             Model |  2.56104326         3  .853681087   Prob > F        =    0.0000
##          Residual |  .409175062       146  .002802569   R-squared       =    0.8622
##      -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.8594
##             Total |  2.97021832       149  .019934351   Root MSE        =    .05294
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      ln_sepalle~h |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
##      -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##        sepalwidth |   .1070129   .0112169     9.54   0.000     .0848444    .1291813
##       petallength |   .1166281    .009546    12.22   0.000      .097762    .1354943
##        petalwidth |  -.0842665   .0214666    -3.93   0.000    -.1266919   -.0418411
##             _cons |   1.090994   .0422063    25.85   0.000      1.00758    1.174408
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If data is exported to Stata with df = ...
# a (possibly modified) Stata dataset is imported back
# into R unless argument import_df = FALSE is
# specified in doInStata()
##      'data.frame':	150 obs. of  6 variables:
##       $ sepallength   : num  5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5 5.4 4.6 5 4.4 4.9 ...
##       $ sepalwidth    : num  3.5 3 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 ...
##       $ petallength   : num  1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 ...
##       $ petalwidth    : num  0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ...
##       $ species       : chr  "setosa" "setosa" "setosa" "setosa" ...
##       $ ln_sepallength: num  1.63 1.59 1.55 1.53 1.61 ...
r3$results$e_class  # again, the estimated results from e() are available:
##      List of 4
##       $ scalars :List of 12
##        ..$ N   : num 150
##        ..$ df_m: num 3
##        ..$ df_r: num 146
##        ..$ F   : num 305
##        ..$ r2  : num 0.862
##        ..$ rmse: num 0.0529
##        ..$ mss : num 2.56
##        ..$ rss : num 0.409
##        ..$ r2_a: num 0.859
##        ..$ ll  : num 230
##        ..$ ll_0: num 81.3
##        ..$ rank: num 4
##       $ macros  :List of 10
##        ..$ cmdline   : chr "regress ln_sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth"
##        ..$ title     : chr "Linear regression"
##        ..$ marginsok : chr "XB default"
##        ..$ vce       : chr "ols"
##        ..$ depvar    : chr "ln_sepallength"
##        ..$ cmd       : chr "regress"
##        ..$ properties: chr "b V"
##        ..$ predict   : chr "regres_p"
##        ..$ model     : chr "ols"
##        ..$ estat_cmd : chr "regress_estat"
##       $ matrices:List of 2
##        ..$ b:
##         sepalwidth petallength petalwidth _cons
##      y1      0.107       0.117    -0.0843  1.09
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##        ..$ V:
##                  sepalwidth petallength petalwidth     _cons
##      sepalwidth    1.26e-04    3.24e-05  -4.58e-05 -0.000451
##      petallength   3.24e-05    9.11e-05  -1.96e-04 -0.000206
##      petalwidth   -4.58e-05   -1.96e-04   4.61e-04  0.000326
##      _cons        -4.51e-04   -2.06e-04   3.26e-04  0.001781
##      attr(,"class")
##      [1] "matrix"      "StataMatrix"
##       $ modeldf :Classes 'Stata_b_se' and 'data.frame':	4 obs. of  2 variables:
##                     coef  stderr
##      sepalwidth   0.1070 0.01122
##      petallength  0.1166 0.00955
##      petalwidth  -0.0843 0.02147
##      _cons        1.0910 0.04221
##       - attr(*, "class")= chr "StataResults"
# Since we did preserve...restore in Stata
# while operating on the iris data,
# the data on cars is still there
doInStata(i, 'describe', results=NULL)
##      $log
##      . describe
##      Contains data from Q:\Stata140.001\ado\base/a/auto.dta
##        obs:            74                          1978 Automobile Data
##       vars:            12                          13 Apr 2014 17:45
##       size:         3,182                          (_dta has notes)
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    storage   display    value
##      variable name   type    format     label      variable label
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      make            str18   %-18s                 Make and Model
##      price           int     %8.0gc                Price
##      mpg             int     %8.0g                 Mileage (mpg)
##      rep78           int     %8.0g                 Repair Record 1978
##      headroom        float   %6.1f                 Headroom (in.)
##      trunk           int     %8.0g                 Trunk space (cu. ft.)
##      weight          int     %8.0gc                Weight (lbs.)
##      length          int     %8.0g                 Length (in.)
##      turn            int     %8.0g                 Turn Circle (ft.)
##      displacement    int     %8.0g                 Displacement (cu. in.)
##      gear_ratio      float   %6.2f                 Gear Ratio
##      foreign         byte    %8.0g      origin     Car type
##      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Sorted by: foreign
# Also r-class Stata results can be collected:
r4 <- doInStata(i, 'summarize price \n return list',
				results = 'r')  # Stata r-class results only
##      $log
##      . summarize price 
##          Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
##      -------------+---------------------------------------------------------
##             price |         74    6165.257    2949.496       3291      15906
##      .  return list
##      scalars:
##                        r(N) =  74
##                    r(sum_w) =  74
##                     r(mean) =  6165.256756756757
##                      r(Var) =  8699525.974268789
##                       r(sd) =  2949.495884768919
##                      r(min) =  3291
##                      r(max) =  15906
##                      r(sum) =  456229
##      $results
##      $results$r_class
##      List of 1
##       $ scalars:List of 8
##        ..$ N    : num 74
##        ..$ sum_w: num 74
##        ..$ mean : num 6165
##        ..$ Var  : num 8699526
##        ..$ sd   : num 2949
##        ..$ min  : num 3291
##        ..$ max  : num 15906
##        ..$ sum  : num 456229
##       - attr(*, "class")= chr "StataResults"
# A non-blocking call to Stata -- perform some long-running job
system.time({f1 <- doInStata(i, 'sleep 6000 // in milliseconds in Stata
							display "hello"',
							future = TRUE,
							results = NULL)})
##         user  system elapsed 
##         0.00    0.02    0.01
# do some work in R in the meantime:
# collect the results from Stata if ready
# (if not ready, you must wait -- it's blocking this time,
# note the approximate time difference: 6 - 2 = 4):
system.time({r5 <- getStataFuture(f1)})
##         user  system elapsed 
##         0.29    0.08    3.99
##      $log
##      . sleep 6000 // in milliseconds in Stata
##      .                                                         display "hello"
##      hello
# You can avoid being blocked by an undelivered future by
# preceding the extraction attempt with an isStataReady() check:
f2 <- doInStata(i, 'sleep 2000 // in milliseconds in Stata
							display "hello2"',
							future = TRUE,
							results = NULL)
system.time(if (isStataReady(i, timeout = 0.5)) # default timeout here = 1 sec.
	getStataFuture(f2) else message("Not yet ready!"))
##      Not yet ready!
##         user  system elapsed 
##         0.01    0.01    0.53
# Say good-bye to Stata:

A multiple Stata instance functionality demo

# The length of cl (the number of Stata instances) will depend
# on the number of cores detected by parallel::detectCores()
# (but you can override it)
cl <- startStataCluster()
##      Stata "server" started successfully.
##      Stata "server" started successfully.
# It's just a simple list overall:
##      [1] "list"
# Have a look at the first element:
##      StataID object:
##       Stata "server" id:
##       YDd 
##       (you can see it in the top of the Stata window)
##       Full path to the Stata "server" <--> R
##       data exchange directory (folder):
##       C:\Users\rutkoal\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpekNB9k/YDd 
##       Should Stata close if this directory disappears:
##       no
# A trivial example - a series of different regressions with
# only one explanatory variable each:
m <- paste('regress sepallength',
cat(m, sep = '\n')
##      regress sepallength sepalwidth
##      regress sepallength petallength
##      regress sepallength petalwidth
c1 <- doInStataCluster(cl,
					   # X = a vector (atomic or list) of tasks/jobs
					   # expressed as a character vector
					   # or a list of character vectors (which will be
					   # collapsed into string each)
					   X = m,
					   nolog = TRUE,
					   df = iris,
					   import_df = FALSE)
# A load-balancing version -- use if some jobs/tasks
# are much longer than others (iris data already loaded
# so no need for df = iris):
c2 <- doInStataClusterLB(cl,
					   X = m,
					   nolog = TRUE)
identical(c1, c2)
##      [1] TRUE
# Collect the results:
library(magrittr) # for the super cool pipe operator %>%
c1 %>%
	lapply(function(x) x$results$e_class$modeldf) %>%, .)
##                        coef     stderr
##      sepalwidth  -0.2233611 0.15508093
##      _cons        6.5262227 0.47889633
##      petallength  0.4089223 0.01889134
##      _cons1       4.3066034 0.07838896
##      petalwidth   0.8885802 0.05137355
##      _cons2       4.7776294 0.07293476
# Say good-bye to all the Statas opened by R
# (clear = TRUE so that each Stata allows you
# to discard the imported iris data):
stopStataCluster(cl, clear = TRUE)


Tools for calling Stata from R interactively






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