This is a collection of business intelligence tools and patterns to help with common data queries and insights. This is based on numerous blogs, books, post and work experience in what I have seen as most frequent analysis /work effort
The package functions can be split between three focus areas:
Segmentation strategies
- Kmeans
- New vs. Returning Customers/ Vendors
Time intelligence functions
- List of standard time intelligence functions such as month-to-date, year over year for standard and non-standard calendars
- See table before complete list
- Non-standard calendar such a 5-5-4 calendar
Variance analysis strategies
- Applied statsitical techniques to underestand variance analysis
including graphing techniques
- quantile regression
- anova
- Like for like comparison
- Something like a mix between marginalmeans, anova, lm and rq
- You calculate certain components such as price, customer turnover, high margin vs. low margin segmentations
- Then do a quantile regression on the parts to see how there is difference between high margin and low margin indicators
- ideally we then have our factors and we can simply take the
coefficients and see directly the components that is driving
- so we start at customer level, store level and product level attributes and other componets that when muliplied and added get what you are calcualted -price X vol =rev -avg.price X product mix -vol =product mix X quantity
- Applied statsitical techniques to underestand variance analysis
including graphing techniques
You can install the development version of fpaR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is correctly under development and is in early stages!
This package is heavily inspired by the DAX Patterns for the time intelligence functions
Segmentation helpers:
- make_segmentation() will use kmeans and umap to create a segmentation
- abc_segmentation()
- Turnover customers
Calculation Helpers
count_plus() will replicate the handy dplyr::count() function but augments with portions and cumulative sum of proportions
show_excel() will show your tibbles or data frames steps in excel
divide will give an default NA or alternative to dividing by zero that isn’t
(model after DAX divide) -
Calculate() model after DAX calculate, basically a supercharged sumif that allows you to filter data with or with any filter context
Time Intelligence Functions
Standard time intelligence functions1
- These are time intelligence fucntions that are consistent with a standard calendar (eg. the calendar on your computer or your phone)
Non-standard time intelligence functions
- These are calendars that maybe more common in the retail business (Eg. 5-4-5 quarter calcualtion)
- These calendars aim to control for weekends as that may be larger driver of sales
Variation Analysis
- variance / factor analysis
Practice Datasets
- Microsoft’s Contoso Dataset to help with practice with transaction data
# A tibble: 22 × 2
`Short Name` Description
<chr> <chr>
1 YTD Year-to-date
2 QTD Quarter-to-date
3 MAT Moving annual total
4 PY Previous year
5 PQ Previous quarter
6 PM Previous month
7 PYC Previous year complete
8 PQC Previous quarter complete
9 PMC Previous month complete
10 PP Previous period; automatically selects year, quarter, or month
# ℹ 12 more rows
See table below ↩