CosmosKit is a wallet adapter for developers to build apps that quickly and easily interact with Cosmos blockchains and wallets.
Get started quickly by using create-cosmos-app to help you build high-quality Cosmos apps fast!
Check out our docs here to configure CosmosKit.
If you want to get a cosmjs stargate or cosmwasm signer, here are docs for our hooks
Name | Type | Description |
@cosmos-kit/core | Core | Core CosmosKit functionality |
@cosmos-kit/react | UI | A wallet adapter for React with mobile WalletConnect support for the Cosmos ecosystem. |
@cosmos-kit/walletconnect | WalletConnect | Mobile WalletConnect support for the Cosmos ecosystem. |
Name | Type | Description |
@cosmos-kit/react | UI | A wallet adapter for React with mobile WalletConnect support for the Cosmos ecosystem. |
@cosmos-kit/coin98-extension/ | Extension | Coin98 Web Extension Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/coin98 | Root Wallet | Coin98 Wallet integration |
@cosmos-kit/cosmostation-extension/ | Extension | Cosmostation Web Extension Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/cosmostation-mobile/ | WalletConnect | Cosmostation Mobile Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/cosmostation | Root Wallet | Cosmostation Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate both extension & mobile wallet connect |
@cosmos-kit/keplr-extension/ | Extension | Keplr Web Extension Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/keplr-mobile/ | WalletConnect | Keplr Mobile Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/keplr | Root Wallet | Keplr Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate both extension & mobile wallet connect |
@cosmos-kit/leap | Root Wallet | Leap Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/omni | Root Wallet | Omni Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/owallet-extension/ | Extension | OWallet Web Extension Wallet integration. |
@cosmos-kit/owallet | Root Wallet | OWallet Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/station-extension | Extension | Station Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/station | Root Wallet | Station Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/trust | Root Wallet | Trust Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/vectis | Root Wallet | Vectis Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/xdefi-extension | Root Wallet | XDEFI Wallet (Extension) integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/shell | Root Wallet | Shell Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate the extension, no mobile wallet connect support yet. |
@cosmos-kit/tailwind-extension | Extension | TAILWIND Wallet extension. Use this if you want to integrate the TAILWIND Chrome Extension |
@cosmos-kit/tailwind | Root Wallet | TAILWIND Wallet integration. Use this if you want to integrate any TAILWIND wallet. No mobile support yet. |
✨ Example: @cosmos-kit/example
An example Next.js project integrating @cosmos-kit/react
wallet adapter.
See our docs on integrating your wallet
yarn build
cd package/example
yarn dev
Checkout the repository and bootstrap the yarn workspace:
# Clone the repo.
git clone
cd cosmos-kit
yarn build
lerna publish
# lerna publish minor
# lerna publish major
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- create-cosmos-app Set up a modern Cosmos app by running one command.
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🛠 Built by Cosmology — if you like our tools, please consider delegating to our validator ⚛️
No developer or entity involved in creating this software will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the code, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.