This repo has hardware and firmware for Bluetooth LED strip controller based on atmega328p (the same as in Arduino Nano).
- Android Application (not started yet)
- Custom colors and gradients
- ~15 different pre-set animation
- Over-The-Air Updates
- Python interface (to control it from PC)
- Save latest state between power on/off
- Up to 100 LEDs on full brightness (WS2812B)
Be careful with connection between programmer Arduino and target Arduino. I had a lot of corrupted bytes during uploading bootloader/application with ISCP.
Add bluetooth:
$ sudo systemctl start bluetooth
$ sudo bluetoothctl
$ power on
$ scan on
$ # You will see MAC of your HC-05
$ trust <MAC>
$ pair <MAC>
$ # It will ask for pin
$ # That's all!
Load rfcomm kernel module:
sudo modprobe rfcomm
Create serial port:
sudo rfcomm bind rfcomm0 <MAC>
How to sniff bluetooth:
jpnevulator --tty=/dev/blueled --read --ascii
In case of problems with PC's bluetooth module try:
- power on/off module through the bluetoothctl session
- sudo rfkill unblock all