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This is a fullstack blogging platform built using JavaScript library (React) on the frontend and Node.js with Express and MongoDB on the backend.
The platform allows users to create, delete and update blog posts.
Each blog post is associated with its respective author, and users can log in to manage their own posts.
- User Authentication: Sign up, log in, and log out functionality using JWT with access and refresh tokens for secure session management.
- Profile Picture Upload: Users can upload profile pictures during registration.
- Blog Posts: Users can create, delete,view and update blog posts.
- Author Attribution: Each post is attributed to its respective author.
- Database: MongoDB is used for data storage, with Mongoose to handle schema and data modeling.
- Hashed Passwords: Secured password storage using bcrypt.
- Frontend: React, HTML5, CSS3
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose
- Database: MongoDB
- Cloudinary: For image uploads
- Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), bcrypt, Access and Refresh tokens
- Hosting: Render for frontend and backend
Clone the repository: -
Install dependencies:
cd Backend npm init npm i cd frontend npm install
Create a
file (for Environment Variables):MONGODB_URI=yourMongoDBConnectionString SERVER_PORT=yourPort JWT_ACCESS_SECRET=yourAccessTokenSecretKey JWT_REFRESH_SECRET=yourRefreshTokenSecretKey JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRATION=yourAccessTokenExpiringTime JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION=yourRefreshTokenExpiringTime CLOUDINARY_API_KEY=yourCloudinaryApiKey CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET=yourCloudinaryApiSecret CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=yourCloudinaryCloudName
cd Backend npm run dev
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