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Bayesian Importance Weighted Probabilistic Matrix Factorization

For a Jupyter notebook version, see the notebook

This python module implements a class 'MatrixFactorization' which carries out Bayesian inference for Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) with importance weights / heteroscedastic measurement errors. The generative model assumes that the matrix entries png have (conditionally) independent distributions given a parameter png as follows: png where png denotes the Gaussian distribution with mean μ and variance σ^2. The inverse variance png is sometimes referred to as importance weight on the observation png

The row and column biases png and latent factors png are given independent Gaussian priors:


Maximixing the posterior probability of this generative model corresponds to minimizing a loss png

Instead of optimizing the regularized loss function, however, the module implements a Gibbs sampler to reap the benefits of Bayesian approach, such as quantification of posterior uncertainty as well as a relative robustness to the choice of regularization parameters and the number of factors.

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse as sparse

%matplotlib inline

Ilustration of the generative model with weighted / heteroscedastic noises.

Generate a synthetic data with column and row biases only.

nrow = 10
ncol = 20
num_factor = 2
signal_level = 1
noise_level = .1
seed = 1

w0 = (noise_level * np.random.standard_cauchy(size=(nrow, ncol))) ** -2
r0 = signal_level * np.random.randn(nrow, 1)
c0 = signal_level * np.random.randn(ncol, 1)
e0 = np.random.randn(nrow, ncol) / np.sqrt(w0)
y0 = np.outer(r0, np.ones((ncol, 1))) + np.outer(np.ones((nrow, 1)), c0)
y = y0 + e0

Make a heat plot to indicate how (un) important / reliable each observed entry png is. Larger noise indicates lesser importance / reliability.

plt.figure(figsize=(18, 5))
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16

plt.imshow(y, interpolation='none', cmap='coolwarm')
plt.title("Observation: $y_{ij}$")

plt.imshow(1 / np.sqrt(w0), interpolation='none', cmap='inferno')
plt.title(r"Noise magnitude: $w_{ij}^{-1/2}$'s")


Illustration of how to use the module

Generate a synthetic data.

nrow = 500
ncol = 1000

num_factor = 2
signal_level = 1
noise_level = .25
w0 = (noise_level * np.random.exponential(size=(nrow, ncol))) ** -2

r0 = signal_level * np.random.randn(nrow, 1)
c0 = signal_level * np.random.randn(ncol, 1)
u0 = math.sqrt(signal_level) * np.random.randn(nrow, num_factor)
v0 = math.sqrt(signal_level) * np.random.randn(ncol, num_factor)
e0 = np.random.randn(nrow, ncol) / np.sqrt(w0)
y0 = np.outer(r0, np.ones((ncol, 1))) + np.outer(np.ones((nrow, 1)), c0) +, v0.T)
y = y0 + e0

Make a sparse training / observed matrix.

y0_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(y0)
y_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(y)

sampling_rate = .05
is_observed = np.random.binomial(1, sampling_rate, size=nrow * ncol).astype(np.bool)
is_unobserved = np.logical_not(is_observed)
y_train_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(([is_observed], (y_coo.row[is_observed], y_coo.col[is_observed])), shape=y.shape)
weight_train = w0.flatten()[is_observed]
y_test_coo = sparse.coo_matrix(([is_unobserved], (y_coo.row[is_unobserved], y_coo.col[is_unobserved])), shape=y.shape)

Train the model / get posterior samples using the MatrixFactorization class.

The convergence of MCMC can be slow for some data sets. Alternating least squares works very similarly to MCMC, but gradient descent with momentum could converge faster (not investigated).

from matrix_factorization import MatrixFactorization as MF

# Prior parameters for the model
bias_scale = signal_level
factor_scale = math.sqrt(signal_level)
mf = MF(y_train_coo, num_factor, bias_scale, factor_scale, weight_train)

# Gibbs update of the latent factors can be parallelized, though the overhead
# of multi-processing overwhelms for not very large matrices.
n_burnin = 25 * 10 ** 3
n_mcmc = 1000
y_post_mean, sample_dict = mf.gibbs(n_burnin, n_mcmc, n_update=10, num_process=1)
2600 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.53e+07 from the initial value so far.
5200 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.53e+07 from the initial value so far.
7800 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.54e+07 from the initial value so far.
10400 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.54e+07 from the initial value so far.
13000 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.54e+07 from the initial value so far.
15600 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.56e+07 from the initial value so far.
18200 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.56e+07 from the initial value so far.
20800 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.56e+07 from the initial value so far.
23400 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.56e+07 from the initial value so far.
26000 iterations have been completed.
The log posterior density has increased by 1.56e+07 from the initial value so far.
CPU times: user 2h 36min 9s, sys: 1.26 s, total: 2h 36min 10s
Wall time: 2h 36min 9s

Check the convergence of MCMC

plt.xlabel('MCMC iterations')
plt.ylabel('Posterior log density')


plt.xlabel('Post-burnin iterations')
plt.ylabel('Column bias MCMC samples')


Check if the in-sample model output agree with the training data for sanity check.

def add_refline():
    # Adds a 45 degree angle line passing the origin.
    axes = plt.gca()
    min_val = np.min(np.hstack([axes.get_ylim()[0], axes.get_xlim()[0]]))
    max_val = np.max(np.hstack([axes.get_ylim()[1], axes.get_xlim()[1]]))
    plt.plot([min_val, max_val], [min_val, max_val], 'r--')
y_post_samples = mf.compute_model_mean_sample(y_train_coo.row, y_train_coo.col, sample_dict, 
                                              thin=1, n_discard=0)
y_post_mean = np.mean(y_post_samples, 1)

plt.hist2d(y_post_mean,[is_observed], bins=25, range=np.array([[-5, 5], [-5, 5]]), cmap='inferno')


Check if the column and row biases are (approximately) recovered by MCMC.

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5), dpi=80)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 18

plt.plot(np.median(sample_dict['r'], 1), r0, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Row bias sample')
plt.ylabel('True row bias')

plt.plot(np.median(sample_dict['c'],1), c0, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Column bias sample')
plt.ylabel('True column bias')


Check out of sample prediction ability of the model.

y_pred_samples = mf.compute_model_mean_sample(y_test_coo.row, y_test_coo.col, sample_dict, 
                                              thin=10, n_discard=0)
y_pred_mean = np.mean(y_pred_samples, 1)
mse = np.mean((y_pred_mean - ** 2)
R_sq = 1 - mse / np.var(
print("The matrix factorization model explains {:.2f}% of variability in the test data.".format(R_sq * 100))
The matrix factorization model explains 81.17% of variability in the test data.


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