Based heavily on Thoughtbot's laptop setup files.
Additional ideas from 18F/laptop and monfresh/laptop who also based theirs on thoughtbot's original script.
- thoughtbot/Laptop
- 18f/laptop
- monfresh/laptop
- Max OS X Setup Guide GitBook
- OSX Settings:
- OSX Settings: /
- Script is currently compatible with OS X Yosemite.
- Install Xcode Command Line Tools xcode-select --install
- Install Homebrew and Homebrew Cask
- Install zsh and OhMyZsh
- Install Git
- Install RVM
- Install NodeJS and NPM
- Install Brews from Brewfile
- Install Casks from Caskfile
- Install Gems from Gemfile
- Install Node packages from Nodefile
- Set application defaults
- Create/copy application preferences