segment-config-go is a Go client library for accessing the Segment Config API.
This library allows you to do the following programmatically:
- List all your Segment sources and destinations
- Create sources
- Create or modify destinations
- Enable and disable destinations
- Create, list or modify tracking plans
segment-config-go requires a Segment Personal Access Token for authentication. You can generate one with the appropriate access by following the steps in the Segment documentation
import ""
Construct a new Segment client with your access token and Segment workspace. For example:
accessToken := os.Getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
segmentWorkspace := os.Getenv("SEGMENT_WORKSPACE")
client := segment.NewClient(accessToken, segmentWorkspace)
Now you can interact with the API to do things like list all sources in your workspace:
sources, err := c.ListSources()
List destinations for a given source:
destinations, err := c.ListDestinations("your-source")
Create a new source:
source, err := c.CreateSource("your-source", "catalog/sources/javascript")
Create a new destination:
source, err := c.CreateDestination("your-source", "google-analytics", "cloud", false, nil)
Create a new tracking plan:
tp := TrackingPlan{
DisplayName: "Your Tracking Plan",
Rules: RuleSet{
Global: Rules{
Schema: "",
Type: "object",
Properties: RuleProperties{
Context: Properties{
Type: "object",
Properties: map[string]Property{},
Properties: Properties{},
Traits: Properties{},
Events: []Event{
Name: "Test Event",
Description: "A simple test event",
Rules: Rules{
Schema: "",
Type: "object",
Properties: RuleProperties{
Traits: Properties{},
Properties: Properties{
Required: []string{"user_id"},
Type: "object",
Properties: map[string]Property{
"user_id": {
Description: "unique id of the user",
Type: []string{"string"},
trackingPlan, err := c.CreateTrackingPlan(tp)
Get an existing tracking plan:
trackingPlan, err := c.GetTrackingPlan("rs_123abc")
List all tracking plans:
trackingPlans, err := c.ListTrackingPlans()
Update an existing tracking plan:
tp := TrackingPlan{
DisplayName: "Your Tracking Plan",
Rules: RuleSet{
Global: Rules{
Schema: "",
Type: "object",
Properties: RuleProperties{
Context: Properties{
Type: "object",
Properties: map[string]Property{},
Properties: Properties{},
Traits: Properties{},
Events: []Event{
Name: "Test Event",
Description: "A simple test event",
Rules: Rules{
Schema: "",
Type: "object",
Properties: RuleProperties{
Traits: Properties{},
Properties: Properties{
Required: []string{"user_id"},
Type: "object",
Properties: map[string]Property{
"user_id": {
Description: "unique id of the user",
Type: []string{"string"},
trackingPlan, err := c.UpdateTrackingPlan("rs_123abc", tp)
Delete an existing tracking plan:
err := client.DeleteTrackingPlan("rs_123abc")