A sample Ticket Manager built using the Serverless capabilities offered by AWS (S3 + API GateWay + DynamoDB + Lambda)
- API GateWay has been used to defined the API structure.
- API GateWay bypass all the requests to a lambda function that processes them and returns an appropiate response.
- Lambda function uses DynamoDB to manage tickets information (users and times).
- A HTML/JS frontend deployed in S3 allow final users to manage tickets in a simple way. This frontend checks the API using AJAX requests.
- HashKey: key - String
Items: {key: "nextUserId", "val": 1}, {key: "nextDonationId", "val": 1}, {key: "authUsers", "val": [LIST OF EMAILS]}
- Hashkey: id - Number
- Hashkey: id - Number
- Hashkey: token - String
TTL enabled for the ttl