A Wordpress plugin that allows dynamic resizing/cropping of images that have been uploaded to the default wordpress 'uploads' folder.
Clone the repo to wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker
Activate the plugin from the wordpress Plugins page
Visit the settings page by navigating to Settings >> ATD Skinwalker to verify that everything is correctly installed.
Open up your vhost file and enter this in:
location /wp-content/uploads {
rewrite ^/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)$ /wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/index.php last;
Clone the repo to wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker
hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/airtightdesign/atd_skinwalker
Put .htaccess file in uploads folder (make sure mod_rewrite is enabled first!)
cp wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/htaccess wp-content/uploads/.htaccess
Create cache directory
mkdir wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/cache;
Set cache directory ownership
chgrp www-data wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/cache;
Set cache directory permissions
chmod 775 wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/cache;
chmod g+s wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/cache;
Visit Settings >> ATD Skinwalker
rm -rf wp-content/plugins/atd_skinwalker/cache/*
Assuming you have uploaded the file lena.jpg through the wordpress admin, it should now exist somewhere in the up to /wp-content/uploads/YYYY/MM/lena.jpg. Open the image in a fresh tab and try adding the following string to the end of the url: ?a=crop&w=100&h=100&x=10&y=10
- a - the 'action' to perform (resize|crop - defaults to 'resize')
- r - the type of resize (contain|widen|heighten|cover)
- w - the width
- h - the height
- x - the x offset
- y - the y offset
Contain an image within a bounding box
Resize an image by specifying the width, preserving aspect ratio
Resize an image by specifying the height, preserving aspect ratio
Resize an image to cover the provided box dimensions. This can clip the image.
The following will crop the image to 100x100 pixels, starting at position 10,15