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Machine learning models for prediction of chronic homelessness using the HIFIS Application.


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Chronic Homelessness AI (CHAI) Model

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The purpose of this project is deliver a machine learning solution to assist in identifying individuals at risk of chronic homelessness. A model was built for the Homeless Prevention division of the City of London, Ontario, Canada. This work was led by the Municipal Artificial Intelligence Applications Lab out of the Information Technology Services division. For more information on results of the London project, review our pre-print article.This repository contains the code used to train a neural network model to classify clients in the city's Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) database as either at risk or not at risk of chronic homelessness within a specified predictive horizon. In an effort to build AI ethically and anticipate forthcoming federal and provincial regulation of automated decision-making systems, this repository applies interpretability and bias-reducing methods to explain the model's predictions. The model also employs functionality to enable ease of client record removal, entire feature removal and audit trails to facilitate appeals and other data governance processes. This repository is intended to serve as a turnkey template for other municipalities using the HIFIS application and HIFIS database schema who wish to explore the application of this model in their own locales. This model was built using data from HIFIS

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Use Cases
    i) Train a model and visualize results
    ii) Train multiple models and save the best one
    iii) Prediction horizon search experiment
    iv) LIME explanations
    v) Random hyperparameter search
    vi) Batch predictions from raw data
    vii) Cross validation
    viii) Exclusion of sensitive features
    ix) Client clustering experiment (using K-Prototypes)
  3. Time Series Forecasting Model
    i) Time series data
    ii) RNN-MLP Hybrid Model
    iii) Time series LIME explanations
    iv) Steps to use
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Project Structure
  6. Project Config
  7. Azure Machine Learning Pipelines
    i) Additional steps for Azure
  8. Contact

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository (for help see this tutorial).
  2. Install the necessary dependencies (listed in requirements.txt). To do this, open a terminal in the root directory of the project and run the following:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Open retrieve_raw_data.ps1 for editing. Replace "[Instance Name goes here]" with your HIFIS database instance name. Execute retrieve_raw_data.ps1. A file named "HIFIS_Clients.csv" should now be within the data/raw/ folder. See HIFIS_Clients_example.csv for an example of the column names in our "HIFIS_Clients.csv" (note that the data is fabricated; this file is included for illustrative purposes).
  4. Check that your features in HIFIS_Clients.csv match in config.yml. If necessary, update feature classifications in this file (for help see Project Config).
  5. Execute to transform the data into the format required by the machine learning model. Preprocessed data will be saved within data/preprocessed/.
  6. Execute to train the neural network model on your preprocessed data. The trained model weights will be saved within results/models/, and its filename will resemble the following structure: modelyyyymmdd-hhmmss.h5, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time. The TensorBoard log files will be saved within results/logs/training/.
  7. In config.yml, set MODEL_TO_LOAD within PATHS to the path of the model weights file that was generated in step 6 (for help see Project Config). Execute to generate interpretable explanations for the model's predictions on the test set. A spreadsheet of predictions and explanations will be saved within results/experiments/.

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Use Cases

Train a model and visualize results

  1. Once you have HIFIS_Clients.csv sitting in the raw data folder (_data/raw/), execute See Getting Started for help obtaining HIFIS_Clients.csv.
  2. Ensure data has been preprocessed properly. That is, verify that data/processed/ contains both HIFIS_Processed.csv and HIFIS_Processed_OHE.csv. The latter is identical to the former with the exception being that its single-valued categorical features have been one-hot encoded.
  3. In config.yml, set EXPERIMENT within TRAIN to 'single_train'.
  4. Execute The trained model's weights will be located in results/models/, and its filename will resemble the following structure: modelyyyymmdd-hhmmss.h5, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time. The model's logs will be located in results/logs/training/, and its directory name will be the current time in the same format. These logs contain information about the experiment, such as metrics throughout the training process on the training and validation sets, and performance on the test set. The logs can be visualized by running TensorBoard locally. See below for an example of a plot from a TensorBoard log file depicting loss on the training and validation sets vs. epoch. Plots depicting the change in performance metrics throughout the training process (such as the example below) are available in the SCALARS tab of TensorBoard.
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    You can also visualize the trained model's performance on the test set. See below for an example of the ROC Curve and Confusion Matrix based on test set predictions. In our implementation, these plots are available in the IMAGES tab of TensorBoard.
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The diagram below depicts an overview the model's architecture. We call this model "HIFIS MLP", as the model is an example of a multilayer perceptron. NODES0 and NODES1 correspond to hyperparameters configurable in config.yml.

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Train multiple models and save the best one

Not every model trained will perform at the same level on the test set. This procedure enables you to train multiple models and save the one that scored the best result on the test set for a particular metric that you care about optimizing.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Train a model and visualize results.
  2. In config.yml, set EXPERIMENT within TRAIN to 'multi_train'.
  3. Decide which metrics you would like to optimize and in what order. In config.yml, set METRIC_PREFERENCE within TRAIN to your chosen metrics, in order from most to least important. For example, if you decide to select the model with the best recall on the test set, set the first element in this field to 'recall'.
  4. Decide how many models you wish to train. In config.yml, set NUM_RUNS within TRAIN to your chosen number of training sessions. For example, if you wish to train 10 models, set this field to 10.
  5. Execute The weights of the model that had the best performance on the test set for the metric you specified will be located in results/models/training/, and its filename will resemble the following structure: modelyyyymmdd-hhmmss.h5, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time. The model's logs will be located in results/logs/training/, and its directory name will be the current time in the same format.

LIME explanations

Since the predictions made by this model are to be used by a government institution to benefit vulnerable members of society, it is imperative that the model's predictions may be explained so as to facilitate ensuring the model is making responsible predictions, as well as assuring transparency and accountability of government decision-making processes. Since this model is a neural network, it is difficult to decipher which rules or heuristics it is employing to make its predictions. Interpretability in machine learning is a growing concern, especially with applications in the healthcare and social services domains. We used Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (i.e. LIME) to explain the predictions of the neural network classifier that we trained. We used the implementation available in the authors' GitHub repository. LIME perturbs the features in an example and fits a linear model to approximate the neural network at the local region in the feature space surrounding the example. It then uses the linear model to determine which features were most contributory to the model's prediction for that example. By applying LIME to our trained model, we can conduct informed feature engineering based on any obviously inconsequential features we see (e.g. EyeColour) or insights from domain experts. We can also tell if the model is learning any unintended bias and eliminate that bias through additional feature engineering. See the steps below to apply LIME to explain the model's predictions on examples in the test set.

  1. Having previously run, ensure that data/processed/ contains both Train_Set.csv and Test_Set.csv.
  2. In config.yml, set MODEL_TO_LOAD within PATHS to the path of the model weights file (.h5 file) that you wish to use for prediction.
  3. By setting the appropriate value in the EXPERIMENT field of LIME in config.yml, you can select to either (i) perform a LIME experiment on the test set, (ii) perform a submodular pick, or (iii) run LIME on 1 test set example. Once the appropriate field is set, execute
    1. By setting the EXPERIMENT field of LIME in config.yml to 'lime_experiment', you will run LIME on all examples in the test set, create a .csv file of the results, and produce a visualization of the average explainable feature rules. The .csv file will be located in results/experiments/, and will be called lime_experimentyyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time. The visualization will be located in documents/generated_images/, and will be called LIME_Eplanations_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv.
    2. By setting the EXPERIMENT field of LIME in config.yml to 'submodular_pick', you will run the submodular pick algorithm (as described in the LIME paper) to pick and amalgamate a set explanations of training set examples that attempt to explain the model's functionality as a whole. Global surrogate explanations and weights will be saved to a .csv file and depicted in a visualization. The .csv file will be located in results/experiments/, and will be called lime_submodular_pick.csv. Subsequent submodular picks will be appended to this file with timestamps. The visualization will be located in documents/generated_images/, and will be called LIME_Submodular_Pick_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv.
    3. By setting the EXPERIMENT field of LIME in config.yml to 'explain_client', you will run LIME on the example in the test set whose ClientID is that which you passed to the function. You will have to set the Client ID of a client who is in the test set in the main function of (it currently reads client_id = lime_dict['Y_TEST'].index[0][0], which selects the first ClientID in the test set). An image will be generated that depicts the top explainable features that the model used to make its prediction. The image will be automatically saved in documents/generated_images/, and its filename will resemble the following: Client_client_id_exp_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.png. See below for an example of this graphic.
  4. Interpret the output of the LIME explainer. LIME partitions features into classes or ranges and reports the features most contributory to a prediction. A feature explanation is considered to be a value (or range of values) of a feature and its associated weight in the prediction. In the example portrayed by the bar graph below, the fact that TotalStays was greater than 4 but less than or equal to 23 contributed negatively with a magnitude of about 0.22 to a positive prediction (meaning it contributed at a magnitude of 0.22 toward a negative prediction). As another example, the rule "ReasonForService_Streets=1" indicates that at some point the client has a record that cites their reason for service as "Streets" (=1 indicates that a Boolean feature is present, and =0 indicates that a Boolean feature is not present) and that this explanation contributed with a weight of about 0.02 toward a positive prediction. As one last example, consider that this client's AboriginalIndicator value is "Yes - Tribe Not Known", which contributed with a weight of about 0.04 towards a negative prediction.

NOTE: Many clients have incomplete records. To represent missing values, default values are inserted into the dataset. You may see these values when examining LIME explanations.

  • Missing records for numerical features are given a value of -1
  • Missing records for categorical features are given a value of "Unknown"

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Random hyperparameter search

Hyperparameter tuning is an important part of the standard machine learning workflow. We chose to conduct a series of random hyperparameter searches. The results of one search informed the next, leading us to eventually settle on the hyperparameters currently set in the TRAIN and NN sections of config.yml. We applied TensorBoard visualization to aid the random hyperparameter search. With the help of the HParam Dashboard, one can see the effect of different combinations of hyperparameters on the model's test set performance metrics.

In our random hyperparameter search, we study the effects of x random combinations of hyperparameters by training the model y times for each of the x combinations and recording the results. See the steps below on how to conduct a random hyperparameter search. Note that if you are not planning on changing the hyperparameters or their ranges, you may skip steps 2-4, as a default set of hyperparameter ranges is already defined in code.

  1. In the in the HP subsection of the TRAIN section of config.yml, set the number of random combinations of hyperparameters you wish to study and the number of times you would like to train the model for each combination (see Project Config for help).
    REPEATS: 2
  2. Set the ranges of hyperparameters you wish to study in the HP subsection of the TRAIN section of config.yml. The config file already has a comprehensive set of hyperparameter ranges defined (as shown below), so you may not need to change anything in this step. Consider whether your hyperparameter ranges are continuous (i.e. real) or discrete and whether any need to be investigated on the logarithmic scale.
       NODES0: [80, 100]               # Discrete range
       NODES1: [60, 80]                # Discrete range
       LAYERS: [2, 3, 4]               # Discrete range
       DROPOUT: [0.2, 0.4]             # Real range
       LR: [-3.0, -3.0]                # Real range on logarithmic scale (10^x)
       OPTIMIZER: ['adam', 'sgd']      # Discrete range
       BETA_1: [-1.0, -1.0]            # 1st moment for Adam. Real range on log scale (1 - 10^x)
       BETA_2: [-3.0, -3.0]            # 2nd moment for Adam. Real range on log scale (1 - 10^x)
       L2_LAMBDA: [-2.0, -2.0]         # Real range on log scale (10^x)
       BATCH_SIZE: [128, 256]          # Discrete range
       POS_WEIGHT: [0.6, 0.7]          # Weight multiplier for positive class. Real range
       IMB_STRATEGY: ['class_weight', 'smote', 'random_oversample']  # Discrete range
  3. Within the random_hparam_search() function defined in, ensure your hyperparameters are added as HParam objects to the list of hyperparameters being considered. The below code is already included in; only change it if you have changed the default hyperparameter ranges in config.yml.
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('NODES0', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['NODES0'])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('NODES1', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['NODES1'])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('LAYERS', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['LAYERS'])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('DROPOUT', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['DROPOUT'][0], hp_ranges['DROPOUT'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('L2_LAMBDA', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['L2_LAMBDA'][0], hp_ranges['L2_LAMBDA'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('LR', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['LR'][0], hp_ranges['LR'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('BETA_1', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['BETA_1'][0], hp_ranges['BETA_1'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('BETA_2', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['BETA_2'][0], hp_ranges['BETA_2'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('OPTIMIZER', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['OPTIMIZER'])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('BATCH_SIZE', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['BATCH_SIZE'])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('POS_WEIGHT', hp.RealInterval(hp_ranges['POS_WEIGHT'][0], hp_ranges['POS_WEIGHT'][1])))
    HPARAMS.append(hp.HParam('IMB_STRATEGY', hp.Discrete(hp_ranges['IMB_STRATEGY'])))
  4. If you have added other hyperparameters not listed already in config.yml, ensure that you set the hyperparameters based on the random combination in either or
  5. In config.yml, set EXPERIMENT within the TRAIN section to 'hparam_search'.
  6. Execute The experiment's logs will be located in results/logs/hparam_search/, and the directory name will be the current time in the following format: yyyymmdd-hhmmss. These logs contain information on test set metrics with models trained on different combinations of hyperparameters. The logs can be visualized by running TensorBoard locally. See below for an example of a view offered by the HParams dashboard of TensorBoard. Each point represents 1 training run. The graph compares values of hyperparameters to test set metrics.

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Batch predictions from raw data

Once a trained model is produced, the user may wish to obtain predictions and explanations for all clients currently in the HIFIS database. As clients' life situations change over time, their records in the HIFIS database change as well. Thus, it is useful to rerun predictions for clients every so often. If you wish to track changes in predictions and explanations for particular clients over time, you can choose to append timestamped predictions to a file containing previous timestamped predictions. The steps below detail how to run prediction for all clients, given raw data from HIFIS and a trained model.

  1. Ensure that you have already run after training your model, as it will have generated and saved a LIME Explainer object at data/interpretability/lime_explainer.pkl.
  2. Ensure that you have HIFIS_Clients.csv located within in the raw data folder (data/raw/). See Getting Started for help obtaining HIFIS_Clients.csv.
  3. In config.yml, set MODEL_TO_LOAD within PATHS to the path of the model weights file (.h5 file) that you wish to use for prediction.
  4. By changing the value of the EXPERIMENT field of the PREDICTION section of config.yml to your desired experiment, you can opt to either (i) save predictions to a new file or (ii) append predictions and their corresponding timestamps to a file containing past predictions.
    1. Setting the EXPERIMENT field of the PREDICTION section of config.yml to 'batch_prediction' will preprocess raw client data, run prediction for all clients, and run LIME to explain these predictions. Results will be saved in a .csv file, which will be located in results/predictions/, and will be called predictionsyyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time.
    2. Setting the EXPERIMENT field of the PREDICTION section of config.yml to 'trending_prediction' will produce predictions and explanations in the same method as described in (i), but will include timestamps for when the predictions were made. The results will be appended to a file called trending_predictions.csv, located within results/prediction/. This file contains predictions made at previous times, enabling the user to compare the change in predictions and explanations for particular clients over time.
  5. Execute

Cross validation

Cross validation helps us select a model that is as unbiased as possible towards any particular dataset. By using cross validation, we can be increasingly confident in the external validity of our results. This repository offers a means to run cross validation for both models defined. We include cross validation as a training experiment.

Note that the cross validation experiment differs for the HIFIS-MLP model and the HIFIS-RNN-MLP. K-fold cross validation is used in the case of HIFIS-MLP, whereas nested cross-validation with day-forward chaining is used for HIFIS-RNN-MLP. The difference in our cross validation algorithms is a result of the different types of data used for both scenarios. In HIFIS-MLP, data is randomly partitioned by ClientID into training/validation/test sets. Since HIFIS-RNN-MLP learns from time series data, the validation and test sets are taken to be the second-most and most recent partitions of data respectively (and are therefore not random). Nested cross validation is a commonly used strategy for time series data.

To run cross validation, see the steps below:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Train a model and visualize results.
  2. In config.yml, set EXPERIMENT within TRAIN to 'cross_validation'.
  3. Execute A model will be trained for each train/test fold. A CSV will be generated that reports the performance metrics on the test sets for each fold, along with the mean and standard deviation of metrics for all folds. The file will be located in results/experiments/, and its filename will resemble the following structure: kFoldCVyyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv, if you are training the HIFIS-MLP model (which is the default). If you are training the HIFIS-RNN-MLP model, the file will be called nestedCVyyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv.

Prediction horizon search experiment

The prediction horizon (N) is defined as the amount of time from now that the model makes its predictions for. In our case, the prediction horizon is how far in the future (in weeks) the model is predicting risk of chronic homelessness. For example, if the N = 26 weeks, then the model is predicting whether or not a client will be at risk of chronic homelessness in 26 weeks. While developing this model, we noticed that the model's performance is inversely correlated with the prediction horizon. The Prediction Horizon Search Experiment conducts cross validation at multiple values of N. For each value of N, the data is retrospectively preprocessed by cutting off the most recent N weeks of records. The relationships of N and several model metrics are graphed for the user to deliver insight on the impact of N and make a business decision as to which value yields optimal results. See below for instructions on how to run a Prediction Horizon Search Experiment.

  1. In the HORIZON_SEARCH section of config.yml, set N_MIN, N_MAX, N_INTERVAL and RUNS_PER_N according to your organization's needs (see Project Config for help).
  2. Run src/ This may take several minutes to hours, depending on your hardware and settings from the previous step.
  3. A .csv representation of experiment results will be available within results/experiments/, called horizon_searchyyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv, where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time. A graphical representation of the results will be available within documents/generated_images/, called horizon_experiment_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.png. See below for an example of this visualization.

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Exclusion of sensitive features

Depending on your organization's circumstances, you may wish to exclude specific HIFIS features that you consider sensitive due to legal, ethical or social reasons. A simply way to ensure that a feature does not cause bias in the model is to avoid including it as a feature of the model. This project supports the exclusion of specific features by dropping them at the start of data preprocessing. See the below steps for details on how to accomplish this:

  1. Having completed steps 1-3 in Getting Started, open the raw HIFIS data (i.e. "HIFIS_Clients.csv"), which should be within the data/raw/ folder.
  2. Features that the model will be trained on correspond to the column names of this file. Decide which features you wish to exclude from model training. Take note of these column names.
  3. Open config.yml for editing. Add the column names that you decided on during step 2 to the list of features detailed in the FEATURES_TO_DROP_FIRST field of the DATA section of config.yml (for more info see Project Config).

Client clustering experiment (using K-Prototypes)

We were interested in investigating whether HIFIS client data could be clustered. Since HIFIS consists of numerical and categorical data, and in the spirit of minimizing time complexity, k-prototypes was selected as the clustering algorithm. We wish to acknowledge Nico de Vos, as we made use of his implementation of k-prototypes. This experiment runs k-prototypes a series of times and selects the best clustering (i.e. least average dissimilarity between clients and their assigned clusters' centroids). Our intention is that by examining clusters and obtaining their LIME explanations, one can gain further insight into patterns in the data and how the model behaves in different scenarios. By following the steps below, you can cluster clients into a desired number of clusters, examine the clusters' centroids, and view LIME explanations of these centroids.

  1. Ensure that you have already run after training your model, as it will have generated and saved a LIME Explainer object at data/interpretability/lime_explainer.pkl.
  2. Ensure that you have a .CSV file of preprocessed data located within in the processed data folder (data/processed/). See Getting Started for help.
  3. Set the EXPERIMENT field of the K-PROTOTYPES section of config.yml to 'cluster_clients'.
  4. Run Consult Project Config before changing default clustering parameters in config.yml.
  5. 3 separate files will be saved once clustering is complete:
    1. A spreadsheet depicting cluster assignments by Client ID will be located at results/experiments/, and it will be called client_clusters_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv (where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the current time).
    2. Cluster centroids will be saved to a spreadsheet. Centroids have the same features as clients and their LIME explanations will be appended to the end by default. The spreadsheet will be located at results/experiments/, and it will be called cluster_centroids_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv.
    3. A graphic depicting the LIME explanations of all centroids will be located at documents/generated_images/, and it will be called centroid_explanations_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.png.

A tradeoff for the efficiency of k-prototypes is the fact that the number of clusters must be specified a priori. In an attempt to determine the optimal number of clusters, the Average Silhouette Method was implemented. During this procedure, different clusterings are computed for a range of values of k. A graph is produced that plots average Silhouette Score versus k. The higher average Silhouette Score is, the more optimal k is. To run this experiment, see the below steps.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 as outlined above in the clustering instructions.
  2. Set the EXPERIMENT field of the K-PROTOTYPES section of config.yml to 'silhouette_analysis'. At this time, you may wish to change the K_MIN and K_MAX field of the K-PROTOTYPES section from their defaults. Values of k in the integer range of [K_MIN, K_MAX] will be investigated.
  3. Run An image depicting a graph of average Silhouette Score versus k will be saved to documents/generated_images/, and it will be called silhouette_plot_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.png. Upon visualizing this graph, note that a larger average Silhouette Score implies a more quality clustering.

Time Series Forecasting Model

Later research involved developing a model that reformulates client service usage as time series features. The motivation behind the investigation of time series forecasting was to discover if capturing service usage changes over time would better reflect the episodic nature of homelessness, thereby improving model predictions for clients at different times. The hope was that time series service features would give further context to a client's story that could be formalized as an example. This section will describe the changes in the features, dataset, model, and explanations.

Time series data

Features that describe client service usage (e.g. stays, case management, food bank visits) are quantified over time. In the original HIFIS MLP model, these features were totalled up to the date of the example. Here, we define a timestep (by default, 30 days) and include total service usage over a timestep as a feature. The input sequence length (i.e. T_X) defines how many of the most recent timesteps to include in a single client record. For instance, suppose that the timestep is 30 days and T_X is 6. A single client record will contain total service usage features for that client at a particular timestamp, as well as time series service features corresponding to total service usage during each of the 6 most recent timesteps.

An additional benefit of formulating time series client records was that the aggregate dataset can contain records for clients at different dates. Therefore, the dataset is indexed by ClientID and Date. During data preprocessing, records are calculated for each client at different dates. The result is a significantly larger dataset than was used for the MLP model.

Since the dataset contains different records for each client at various dates, the training, validation and test sets are partitioned by Date, instead of randomly by ClientID. The test and validation sets comprise the most recent and second most recent records for all clients. The training set is taken to be all records with dates earlier than those in the test and validation sets. This way, the model is tested on the most recent client data and is likely to perform well on new client data. Due to the non-random partitions of training, validation and test sets, the cross validation experiment used in this repository for time series data is nested cross validation with day-forward chaining (see Cross Validation for more info).

RNN-MLP hybrid model

The time series forecasting model is different than that of the first model described. The first iteration of the HIFIS model was a multi-layer preceptron (MLP). The time series forecasting model we developed has a hybrid recurrent neural network (RNN) and MLP architecture. This model, dubbed "RNN-MLP model", captures the state of time series features by incorporating an LSTM layer through which the time series features are fed. The static features (i.e. non-time-series features) are concatenated with the output of the LSTM layer, and fed into an MLP, whose output is the model's decision. Examples of static features include demographic attributes. Total service features are also included in this group, as they capture a client's service usage since the beginning of their inclusion in HIFIS. See below for a diagram summarizing the RNN-MLP's architecture.

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Time series LIME explanations

Explanations are computed for the RNN-MLP model in the same way as they were for the original MLP model, except that they are computed for predictions for a particular client at a particular date. We found that time series features (especially those of total stays during different timesteps) appeared more often as being important in explanations. The time series features are named for their position in the input sequence and the duration of the timestep. For example, a feature called "(-2)30-Day_Stay" indicates the total number of stays that a client had 2 timesteps ago, where the timestep duration is 30 days. Additionally, stable explanations take longer to compute for the RNN-MLP models.

Steps to use

  1. In config.yml, set MODEL_DEF within TRAIN to 'hifis_rnn_mlp'.
  2. Follow steps 1-4 in Train a model and visualize results to preprocess the raw data and train a model.
  3. See the steps in LIME Explanations for instructions on how to run different explainability experiments. If you wish to explain a single client, be sure that you pass a value for the date parameter to explain_single_client() in the yyyy-mm-dd format.


Below are some common error scenarios that you may experience if you apply this repository to your municipality's HIFIS database, along with possible solutions.

  • KeyError: "['MyFeature'] not found in axis"
    Commonly occurs if you have specified a feature in one of the lists of the DATA seection of config.yml that does not exist as a column in the CSV of raw data extracted from the HIFIS database. This could occur if one of the default features in those lists does not exist in your HIFIS database. To fix this, remove the feature (in this case called 'MyFeature') from the appropriate list in config.yml.
  • A feature in your database is missing in the preprocessed data CSV
    All features are either classified as noncategorical or categorical. You must ensure that the lists defined at DATA > NONCATEGORICAL_FEATURES and DATA > CATEGORICAL_FEATURES (in config.yml) include the column names in your raw data that you wish to use as features for the model.
  • Incorrect designation of feature as noncategorical vs. categorical
    The lists defined in config.yml at DATA > NONCATEGORICAL_FEATURES and DATA > CATEGORICAL_FEATURES must correctly classify features as noncategorical or categorical. Strange errors may be encountered during execution of vec_multi_value_cat_features() during preprocessing if these are set incorrectly. Remember that categorical features can take on one of a finite amoount of possible values; whereas, noncategorical features are numeric variables whose domains exist within the real numbers. For example, 'Citizenship' is a categorical feature and 'CurrentWeightKG' is a noncategorical feature.
  • File "", line 443, in assemble_time_sequences IndexError: list index out of range
    This error can indicate that your raw data does not go as far back in time as needed to produce preprocessed data, given the parameters that you set. It is important to ensure that the sum of the prediction horizon and the length of time covered by each time series example is less than the total time over which raw data was collected. For example, if the prediction horizon is 26 weeks (found at DATA > N_WEEKS in config.yml], time step length is 30 days (found at DATA > TIME_SERIES > TIME_STEP), and input sequence length is 6 (found at _DATA > TIME_SERIES > T_X), then you should have at least 26×7 + 30×6 = 362 days of raw HIFIS data. Note that this is the very minimum - you should have significantly more days of HIFIS data than this value in order to train an effective model. Finally, If preprocessing causes your resultant dataset to be small, you may encounter poor results when training a model; therefore, consider that the absence of this error does not guarantee that you have enough raw data.
  • OSError: SavedModel file does not exist at: results/models/model.h5/{saved_model.pbtxt|saved_model.pb}
    This common error, experienced when attempting to load model weights from disk from a non-existent file path, may can occur in either,, or The model weights' path is set at the PATHS > MODEL_TO_LOAD field of config.yml. You must change its default value from 'model.h5' to the filename of a model weights file that exists in results/models/. Note that trained models are automatically saved with a filename following the convention 'modelyyyymmdd-hhmmss.h5', where yyyymmdd-hhmmss is a datetime.
  • Out-of-memory error during LIME submodular pick
    Submodular pick involves generating LIME explanations for a large number of examples in the training set. The LIME package used in this repository tends to use larger amounts of memory than is required to temporarily store the list of explanations accumulated during a submodular pick experiment. Generating too high of a number of explanations during this experiment can cause out-of-memory errors, depending on available RAM. The only known fix is to decrease the fraction of training set examples to use during submodular pick. This value may be found at the LIME > SP > SAMPLE_FRACTION field of config.yml. To illustrate this issue, we had to set this value to 0.2 when running submodular pick on a training set of approximately 90000 records on a virtual machine with 56 GiB of RAM.

Project Structure

The project looks similar to the directory structure below. Disregard any .gitkeep files, as their only purpose is to force Git to track empty directories. Disregard any files, as they are empty files that enable Python to recognize certain directories as packages.

├── azure                         <- folder containing Azure ML pipelines
├── data
│   ├── interpretability          <- Generated feature information
│   ├── processed                 <- Products of preprocessing
│   ├── raw                       <- Raw data from SQL query
│   └── transformers              <- Serialized sklearn transformers
├── documents
|   ├── generated_images          <- Visualizations of model performance, experiments
|   └── readme_images             <- Image assets for
├── results
│   ├── experiments               <- Experiment results
│   ├── logs                      <- TensorBoard logs
│   ├── models                    <- Trained model weights
│   └── predictions               <- Model predictions and explanations
├── src
│   ├── custom                    <- Custom TensorFlow components
|   |   └──            <- Definition of custom TensorFlow metrics
│   ├── data                      <- Data processing
|   |   ├── queries
|   |   |   ├── client_export.sql <- SQL query to get raw data from HIFIS database
|   |   |   └── SPDAT_export.sql  <- SQL query to get SPDAT data from database
|   |   ├──         <- Main preprocessing script
|   |   └──              <- SPDAT data preprocessing script
│   ├── interpretability          <- Model interpretability scripts
|   |   ├──            <- Script for learning client clusters
|   |   ├──          <- Modified version of file taken from lime package
|   |   ├──       <- Script for generating LIME explanations
|   |   ├──       <- Modified version of file taken from lime package
|   |   └──    <- Modified version of file taken from lime package
│   ├── models                    <- TensorFlow model definitions
|   |   └──             <- Script containing model definition
|   ├── visualization             <- Visualization scripts
|   |   └──          <- Script for visualizing model performance metrics
|   ├──         <- Script for comparing different prediction horizons
|   ├──                <- Script for prediction on raw data using trained models
|   └──                  <- Script for training model on preprocessed data
├── .gitignore                    <- Files to be be ignored by git.
├── config.yml                    <- Values of several constants used throughout project
├── config_private.yml            <- Private information, e.g. database keys (not included in repo)
├── LICENSE                       <- Project license
├──                     <- Project description
├── requirements.txt              <- Lists all dependencies and their respective versions
└── retrieve_raw_data.ps1         <- Powershell script that executes SQL queries to get raw data from HIFIS database

Project Config

Many of the components of this project are ready for use on your HIFIS data. However, this project contains several configurable variables that are defined in the project config file: config.yml. When loaded into Python scripts, the contents of this file become a dictionary through which the developer can easily access its members.

For user convenience, the config file is organized into major steps in our model development pipeline. Many fields need not be modified by the typical user, but others may be modified to suit the user's specific goals. A summary of the major configurable elements in this file is below.


  • RAW_DATA: Path to .csv file generated by running ClientExport.sql
  • RAW_SPDAT_DATA: Path to .json file containing client SPDAT data
  • MODEL_WEIGHTS: Base path at which to save trained model's weights
  • MODEL_TO_LOAD: Path to trained model's weights that you would like to load for prediction


  • N_WEEKS: The number of weeks in the future the model will be predicting the probability of chronic homelessness (i.e. predictive horizon)
  • GROUND_TRUTH_DATE: Date at which to compute ground truth (i.e. state of chronic homelessness) for clients. Set to either 'today' or a date with the following format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
  • CHRONIC_THRESHOLD: Number of stays per year for a client to be considered chronically homeless
  • CLIENT_EXCLUSIONS: A list of Client IDs (integers) that specifies clients who did not provide consent to be included in this project. Records belonging to these clients will be automatically removed from the raw dataset prior to preprocessing.
  • FEATURES_TO_DROP_FIRST: Features you would like to exclude entirely from the model. For us, this list evolved through trial and error. For example, after running LIME to produce prediction explanations, we realized that features in the database that should have no impact on the ground truth (e.g. EyeColour) were appearing in some explanations; thus, they were added to this list so that these problematic correlations and inferences would not be made by the model. Incidentally, this iterative feature engineering using LIME (explainable AI) to identify bad correlations is the foundation of ensuring a machine learning model is free of bias and that its predictions are valuable.
  • IDENTIFYING_FEATURES_TO_DROP_LAST: A list of features that are used to preprocess data but are eventually excluded from the preprocessed data, as the model cannot consume them. You will not likely have to edit this unless you have additional data features which are not noted in our config file.
  • TIMED_FEATURES_TO_DROP_LAST: A list of features containing dates that are used in preprocessing but are eventually excluded from the preprocessed data. Add any features describing a start or end date to this list (e.g. 'LifeEventStartDate', 'LifeEventEndDate')
  • TIMED_EVENT_FEATURES: A dictionary where each key is a timestamp feature (e.g. 'LifeEventStartDate') and every value is a list of features that are associated with the timestamp. For example, the 'LifeEvent' feature is associated with the 'LifeEventStartDate' feature. For paired start and end features, include 1 entry in this dictionary for associated features. For example, you need to include only one of 'LifeEventStartDate' and 'LifeEventEndDate' as a key, along with ['LifeEvent'] as the associated value.
  • TIMED_EVENTS: A list of columns that correspond to significant events in a client's history (e.g. health issues, life events, service restrictions)
  • TIMED_SERVICE_FEATURES: Services received by a client over a period of time to include as features. The feature value is calculated by summing the days over which the service is received. Note that the services offered in your locale may be different, necessitating modification of this list.
  • COUNTED_SERVICE_FEATURES: Services received by a client at a particular time to include as features. The feature value is calculated by summing the number of times that the service was accessed. Note that the services offered in your locale may be different, necessitating modification of this list.
  • KFOLDS: Number of folds for k-fold cross validation
  • TIME_SERIES: Parameters associated with time series data
    • TIME_STEP: Length of time step in days
    • T_X: Length of input sequence length to LSTM layer. Also described as the number of past time steps to include with each example
    • YEARS_OF_DATA: Number of recent years over which to construct time series records for. Recall that time series examples are indexed by ClientID and Date.
    • FOLDS: Number of folds for nested cross validation with day-forward chaining
  • SPDAT: Parameters associated with addition of client SPDAT data
    • INCLUDE_SPDATS: Boolean variable indicating whether to include SPDAT data during preprocessing
    • SPDAT_CLIENTS_ONLY: Boolean variable indicating whether to include only clients who have a SPDAT in the preprocessed dataset
    • SPDAT_DATA_ONLY: Boolean variable indicating whether to include only answers to SPDAT questions in the preprocessed dataset


  • HIFIS_MLP: Contains definitions of configurable hyperparameters associated with the HIFIS MLP model architecture. The values currently in this section were the optimal values for our dataset informed by a random hyperparameter search.
  • HIFIS_RNN_MLP: Contains definitions of configurable hyperparameters associated with the HIFIS RNN-MLP model architecture. This model is to be trained with time series data. The values currently in this section were the optimal values for our dataset informed by a random hyperparameter search.


  • EXPERIMENT: The type of training experiment you would like to perform if executing Choices are 'single_train', 'multi_train', or 'hparam_search'.
  • MODEL_DEF: The model architecture to train. Set to 'hifis_mlp' to train the HIFIS MLP model, or set to 'hifis_rnn_mlp' to train the HIFIS RNN-MLP hybrid model. Also dictates how the raw HIFIS data will be preprocessed.
  • TRAIN_SPLIT, VAL_SPLIT, TEST_SPLIT: Fraction of the data allocated to the training, validation and test sets respectively. These fields must collectively sum to 1.
  • EPOCHS: Number of epochs to train the model for
  • BATCH_SIZE: Mini-batch size during training
  • POS_WEIGHT: Coefficient to multiply the positive class' weight by during computation of loss function. Negative class' weight is multiplied by (1 - POS_WEIGHT). Increasing this number tends to increase recall and decrease precision.
  • IMB_STRATEGY: Class imbalancing strategy to employ. In our dataset, the ratio of positive to negative ground truth was very low, prompting the use of these strategies. Set either to 'class_weight', 'random_oversample', 'smote', or 'adasyn'.
  • METRIC_PREFERENCE: A list of metrics in order of importance (from left to right) to guide selection of the best model after training multiple models in series (i.e. the 'multi_train' experiment in
  • NUM_RUNS: The number of times to train a model in the 'multi_train' experiment
  • THRESHOLDS: A single float or list of floats in range [0, 1] defining the classification threshold. Affects precision and recall metrics.
  • HP: Parameters associated with random hyperparameter search
    • METRICS: List of metrics on validation set to monitor in hyperparameter search. Can be any combination of {'accuracy', 'loss', 'recall', 'precision', 'auc'}
    • COMBINATIONS: Number of random combinations of hyperparameters to try in hyperparameter search
    • REPEATS: Number of times to repeat training per combination of hyperparameters
    • RANGES: Ranges defining possible values that hyperparameters may take. Be sure to check to ensure that your ranges are defined correctly as real or discrete intervals (see Random Hyperparameter Search for an example).


Note that the following fields have separate values for the HIFIS_MLP and HIFIS_RNN_MLP architectures: KERNEL_WIDTH, FEATURE_SELECTION, NUM_FEATURES, NUM_SAMPLES, and MAX_DISPLAYED_RULES.

  • KERNEL_WIDTH: Affects size of neighbourhood around which LIME samples for a particular example. In our experience, setting this within the continuous range of [1.0, 2.0] is large enough to produce stable explanations, but small enough to avoid producing explanations that approach a global surrogate model. This field is numeric; however, it will be set to a default kernel width if a string is set.
  • FEATURE_SELECTION: The strategy to select features for LIME explanations. Read the LIME creators' documentation for more information.
  • NUM_FEATURES: The number of features to include in a LIME explanation
  • NUM_SAMPLES: The number of samples used to fit a linear model when explaining a prediction using LIME
  • MAX_DISPLAYED_RULES: The maximum number of explanations to be included in a global surrogate visualization
  • SP: Parameters associated with submodular pick
    • SAMPLE_FRACTION: A float in the range [0.0, 1.0] that specifies the fraction of samples from the training and validation sets to generate candidate explanations for. Alternatively, set to 'all' to sample the entire training and validation sets.
    • NUM_EXPLANATIONS: The desired number of explanations that maximize explanation coverage
  • EXPERIMENT: The type of LIME interpretability experiment you would like to perform if executing Choices are 'explain_client', 'lime_experiment', or 'submodular_pick'.


  • N_MIN: Smallest prediction horizon to use in the prediction horizon search experiment (in weeks)
  • N_MAX: Largest prediction horizon to use in the prediction horizon search experiment (in weeks)
  • N_INTERVAL: Size of increment to increase the prediction horizon by when iterating through possible prediction horizons (in weeks)


  • THRESHOLD: Classification threshold for prediction
  • CLASS_NAMES: Identifiers for the classes predicted by the neural network as included in the prediction spreadsheet.
  • EXPERIMENT: The type of prediction experiment you would like to perform if executing Choices are 'batch_prediction' or 'trending_prediction'.


  • K: Desired number of client clusters when running k-prototypes
  • N_RUNS: Number of attempts at running k-prototypes. Best clusters are saved.
  • N_JOBS: Number of parallel compute jobs to create for k-prototypes. This is useful when N_RUNS is high and you want to decrease the total runtime of clustering. Before increasing this number, check how many CPUs are available to you.
  • K_MIN: Minimum value of k to investigate in the Silhouette Analysis experiment
  • K_MAX: Maximum value of k to investigate in the Silhouette Analysis experiment
  • EXPERIMENT: The type of k-prototypes clustering experiment you would like to perform if executing Choices are 'cluster_clients' or 'silhouette_analysis'.

Azure Machine Learning Pipelines

We deployed our model retraining and batch predictions functionality to Azure cloud computing services. To do this, we created Jupyter notebooks to define and run experiments in Azure, and Python scripts corresponding to pipeline steps. We included these files in the azure/ folder, in case they may benefit any parties hoping to use this project. Note that Azure is not required to run HIFIS-v2 code, as all Python files necessary to get started are in the src/ folder.

Additional steps for Azure

We deployed our model training and batch predictions functionality to Azure cloud computing services. To do this, we created Jupyter notebooks to define and run Azure machine learning pipelines as experiments in Azure, and Python scripts corresponding to pipeline steps. We included these files in the azure/ folder, in case they may benefit any parties hoping to use this project. Note that Azure is not required to run HIFIS-v2 code, as all Python files necessary to get started are in the src/ folder. If you plan on using the Azure machine learning pipelines defined in the azure/ folder, there are a few steps you will need to follow first:

  1. Obtain an active Azure subscription.
  2. Ensure you have installed the latest version of the azureml-sdk and azureml_widgets pip packages.
  3. In the Azure portal, create a resource group.
  4. In the Azure portal, create a machine learning workspace, and set its resource group to be the one you created in step 2. When you open your workspace in the portal, there will be a button near the top of the page that reads "Download config.json". Click this button to download the config file for the workspace, which contains confidential information about your workspace and subscription. Once the config file is downloaded, rename it to ws_config.json. Move this file to the azure/ folder in the HIFIS-v2 repository. For reference, the contents of ws_config.json resemble the following:
    "subscription_id": "your-subscription-id",
    "resource_group": "name-of-your-resource-group",
    "workspace_name": "name-of-your-machine-learning-workspace"


Matt Ross
Manager, Artificial Intelligence
Information Technology Services, City Manager’s Office
City of London
Suite 300 - 201 Queens Ave, London, ON. N6A 1J1

Blake VanBerlo
Data Scientist
City of London Municipal Artificial Intelligence Applications Lab
C: [email protected]