This project consists of Pulumi IaC that is meant to automate the creation of a multi-regional website that uses AWS Global Accelerator.
You must configure the stacks to use for the web servers in each region. In this example, I am using my own personal sandbox AWS account and stacks. You should replace them with your own via the following commands:
cd accelerator
pulumi config set westStack aiell0/global-accelerator-demo/webserver-west
pulumi config set europeStack aiell0/global-accelerator-demo/webserver-eu
cd frontend
pulumi stack select webserver-eu
pulumi up
pulumi stack select webserver-west
pulumi up
cd ..
cd accelerator
pulumi up
cd accelerator
pulumi destroy
cd ..
cd frontend
pulumi stack select webserver-eu
pulumi destroy
pulumi stack select webserver-west
pulumi destroy
There is a bug with Pulumi where you can't delete the VPCs if they were created using Pulumi Crosswalk. A Github Issue has been created to track it. For now, just go in and delete the VPC manually if it does time out, and resume the destroy.