This section is to be filled out by the project manager based on the summary document.
Company | Yanu |
Project Manager | Project Manager |
Project Team | Alvo Aabloo, Houman Masnavi, Karl Kruusamäe, Igor Rybalskii, Kirsi Zirel, Kristjan Laht |
Challenge Tackled | Developing and testing robot hand trajectory optimization for ROS for smooth robot hand movement |
Technology Used | ROS, MoveIt, TOPP-RA |
Lessons Learned | Using and debugging general purpose planners is very difficult and requires a lot of specilized knowledge that is hard to get. |
Result Published | We integrated optimal trajectory optimization with the ROS robot hand ecosystem |
Target Group | Manufacturing floors, robot food providers |
Diagrams/Photos | |
Video |
This is a ROS package that processes MoveIt trajectories into a trajectory that is optimal with respect to speed / acceleration / time limits. This is usually a nice to have, but for some robots like the Panda Robot, it's a necessary component for smooth operation. Panda robots require jerk-free trajectories but the using the default MoveIt trajectories fails with a lot of jerk. This is very problematic for service robots that need to carry things.
This is built upon ROS and TOPP-RA
- Or create a toppra wrapper package by cloning toppra to
- and adding a CMake file with extra dependencies turned off to
- Or create a toppra wrapper package by cloning toppra to
Clone this package into
git clone
in folder
source ROS workspacesource /opt/ros/noetic && source devel/setup.bash
build with
run the ros service
rosrun toppra_optimizer_ros toppra_optimizer_server
generate a plan using moveit
in another terminal run
rostopic pub /optimize_trajectory/goal toppra_optimizer_ros/OptimizeActionGoal
with the message contents being the result from step 7. (or use this example generated plan) -
run the resulting trajectory on a real robot
If you use this library for your research, we encourage you to reference the accompanying paper A new approach to Time-Optimal Path Parameterization based on Reachability Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 34(3), pp. 645-659, 2018.
Create issues / pull requests in this repo.
Provide code examples and how to run tests for your project.