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jchavarri committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent f482555 commit 380fa87
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Showing 22 changed files with 4,125 additions and 149 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let get_content_length headers =
| Some s -> try Some (int_of_string s) with _ -> failed Header (sprintf "content-length %S" s)

let decode_args s =
try Web.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters s with exn -> ~exn "decode_args : %S" s
try Ocamlnet_lite.Netencoding.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters s with exn -> ~exn "decode_args : %S" s

let acceptable_encoding headers =
let split s c = (String.strip ~chars:" \t\r\n") @@ Stre.nsplitc s c in
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions ocamlnet_lite/
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module ArrayAux = struct
let int_blit_ref =
(fun (src:int array) srcpos dest destpos len ->
(* A specialised version of Array.blit for int arrays.
* Faster than the polymorphic Array.blit for
* various reasons.
if (len < 0 || srcpos < 0 ||
srcpos+len > Array.length src ||
destpos < 0 ||
destpos+len > Array.length dest) then
invalid_arg "Netaux.ArrayAux.int_blit";
if src != dest || destpos <= srcpos then (
for i = 0 to len-1 do
(Array.unsafe_get src (srcpos+i))
) else (
for i = len-1 downto 0 do
(Array.unsafe_get src (srcpos+i))

let int_blit src srcpos dest destpos len =
!int_blit_ref src srcpos dest destpos len

let int_series_ref =
(fun src srcpos dst dstpos len n ->
if (len < 0 || srcpos < 0 || dstpos < 0 ||
srcpos+len > Array.length src ||
dstpos+len > Array.length dst)
invalid_arg "Netaux.ArrayAux.int_series";

let s = ref n in
for i = 0 to len-1 do
Array.unsafe_set dst (dstpos+i) !s;
s := !s + Array.unsafe_get src (srcpos+i)

let int_series src srcpos dst dstpos len n =
!int_series_ref src srcpos dst dstpos len n

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions ocamlnet_lite/netaux.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
(** Internal auxiliary functions
* This is an internal module.

(* Auxiliary stuff *)

module ArrayAux : sig
val int_blit : int array -> int -> int array -> int -> int -> unit
(** A specialisation of [Array.blit] for int arrays.
* (Performance reasons.)

val int_series : int array -> int -> int array -> int -> int -> int -> unit
(** [int_series src srcpos dst dstpos len n]:
* Computes for every [i], [0 <= i < len]:
* [dst.(dstpos+i) = n + SUM(j=0..(i-1): src.(srcpos+j)) ]
* It is expected that [src == dst] implies [srcpos >= dstpos].


val int_blit_ref :
(int array -> int -> int array -> int -> int -> unit) ref
(* Used by [Netaccel] to override the built-in implementation *)

val int_series_ref :
(int array -> int -> int array -> int -> int -> int -> unit) ref
(* Used by [Netaccel] to override the built-in implementation *)
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions ocamlnet_lite/
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
type t = {
mutable buffer : Bytes.t;
mutable buffer_length : int; (* = String.length buffer *)
mutable length : int;
create_length : int;

(* To help the garbage collector:
* The 'buffer' has a minimum length of 31 bytes. This minimum can still
* be stored in the minor heap.
* The 'buffer' has a length which is always near a multiple of two. This
* limits the number of different bucket sizes, and simplifies reallocation
* of freed memory.

(* Optimal string length:
* Every string takes: 1 word for the header, enough words for the
* contents + 1 Null byte (for C compatibility).
* If the buffer grows, it is best to use a new string length such
* that the number of words is exactly twice as large as for the previous
* string.
* n: length of the previous string in bytes
* w: storage size of the previous string in words
* n': length of the new string in bytes
* w' = 2*w: storage size of the new string in words
* w = (n+1) / word_length + 1
* [it is assumed that (n+1) is always a multiple of word_length]
* n' = (2*w - 1) * word_length - 1
* n' = [2 * ( [n+1] / word_length + 1) - 1] * word_length - 1
* = ...
* = (2*n + 2) + word_length - 1
* = 2 * n + word_length + 1
* n'+1 is again a multiple of word_length:
* n'+1 = 2*n + 2 + word_length
* = 2*(n+1) + word_length
* = a multiple of word_length because n+1 is a multiple of word_length

let word_length = Sys.word_size / 8 (* in bytes *)

let create n =
let bl = max n 31 in
buffer = Bytes.create bl;
buffer_length = bl;
length = 0;
create_length = n;

let contents b = Bytes.sub_string b.buffer 0 b.length
let to_bytes b = Bytes.sub b.buffer 0 b.length

let to_tstring_poly : type s. t -> s Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> s =
fun b kind ->
match kind with
| Netstring_tstring.String_kind -> contents b
| Netstring_tstring.Bytes_kind -> to_bytes b

let alloc_space b n =
let rec new_size s =
if s >= n then s else new_size ((2 * s) + word_length + 1)
let size = min (new_size b.buffer_length) Sys.max_string_length in
if size < n then failwith "Netbuffer: string too large";
let buffer' = Bytes.create size in
Bytes.blit b.buffer 0 buffer' 0 b.length;
b.buffer <- buffer';
b.buffer_length <- size

let ensure_space b n =
(* Ensure that there are n bytes space in b *)
if n > b.buffer_length then alloc_space b n

let add_internal blit b s k l =
ensure_space b (l + b.length);
blit s k b.buffer b.length l;
b.length <- b.length + l

let add_substring b s k l =
if k < 0 || l < 0 || k > String.length s - l then
invalid_arg "Netbuffer.add_substring";
add_internal Bytes.blit_string b s k l

let add_string b s = add_substring b s 0 (String.length s)
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions ocamlnet_lite/netbuffer.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(** A Netbuffer.t is a buffer that can grow and shrink dynamically. *)

type t

val create : int -> t
(** Creates a netbuffer which allocates initially this number of bytes.
* The logical length is zero.

val to_tstring_poly : t -> 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> 's
(** Return the buffer in the format as selected by the arg *)

(** {2 Appending strings} *)

val add_string : t -> string -> unit
(** [add_string nb s]: Adds a copy of the string [s] to the logical end of
* the netbuffer [nb]. If necessary, [nb] grows.


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