CrowdFunding Web App Using Python "Django-FrameWork"
In This CrowdFunding Web App we will allow users to :
- sign-up using addtional fields in model forms (Such as phone number with validation)
- sign-in using (email or username and password)
- reset their password if they forgot it
- they will login only if they activate thier email (Mail Activation Feature)
- Create and modify profile data (Adding Facebook Account,birth date & country)
- Create projects and donate for projects
- Admin Dashboard for only the staff and the super users without using django admin panel
- Delete his projects and also admin can delete it
- Comment on projects
- Report on projects or comments
- Show projetcs details and rate projects
- All users can donate all projects and rate them
- User can remove project in case the donation of the project less than 25% of the total
- [Django Framwork]
- [SQlite Database]
- [Java Script]
- [Html]
- [CSS]
- [Bootstarp]
(current == 4.1.1) pip install django (in the future) python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install virtualenv
Create and Activate VirtualEnvironment
virtualenv name(venv)
Linux : source name/bin/activate Windows : name(venv)/Scripts/activate
Install requirments
After setting up your vertualenv just use one command to install all this requirements using the following command : pip install -r requirements.txt
Run server in crowdfunding directory
python runserver
Don't Forget To Create A Super User
python createsuperuser
Don't Forget To Change My Email & My Pass (2-Auth-KEY)
Note That gstmp feature causes some errors so be carefull while using it for prevent yourself from banned from google
Again please read about gstmp in google documentation