- A windows shell extension that is used to change file's create/update/access time through property page (in Japanese).
- Development environment:
.NET Framework 4.8
Windows 10 20H2
SharpShell 2.7.2
- If you are using command line tool such as
dotnet cli
# FileTimePropPage.Extension project
cd FileTimePropPage.Extension
rm bin/ obj/ -rf
dotnet msbuild -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64
# -> FileTimePropPage.Extension\bin\x64\Release\FileTimePropPage.Extension.dll
# FileTimePropPage.Implementation project
cd FileTimePropPage.Implementation
rm bin/ obj/ -rf
dotnet msbuild -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64
# -> FileTimePropPage.Implementation\bin\x64\Release\FileTimePropPage.Implementation.exe
- If you are using Visual Studio:
# You just need to open the sln file, build it in x64 platform with Release configuration.
- Note that you need to add the following into PATH.
(Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vx.xA\bin\NETFX x.x Tools)ilasm.exe
- Open cmd as administrator, and you may need to restart explorer.exe.
# or execute the following commands
cd FileTimePropPage.Extension\bin\x64\Release
sn -k key.snk # generate key
ildasm FileTimePropPage.Extension.dll /OUTPUT=FileTimePropPage.Extension.il
ilasm FileTimePropPage.Extension.il /DLL /OUTPUT=FileTimePropPage.Extension.dll /KEY=key.snk # add key to dll
regasm /codebase FileTimePropPage.Extension.dll # register
# Note that before replace the dll, you need to unregister it first !!!
- Finally, setup registry for FileTimePropPage.Implementation.
; Use RegisterImpl.reg
; Note to replace to your FileTimePropPage.Implementation.exe path.
- Open cmd as administrator.
# or execute the following commands
cd FileTimePropPage.Extension\bin\x64\Release
regasm /u FileTimePropPage.Extension.dll # unregister