Calculates the Generation (Gen Y, Gen Z etc.) for Contacts in CiviCRM based on their Birth Date.
Generations are defined as being:
- Builder >= 1945
- Boomer 1946 - 1962
- Gen X 1963 - 1980
- Gen Y 1981 - 1999
- Gen Z 2000 - ?
This extension does not create a CiviCRM Custom Field or Option Values, you need to do this as part of the installation.
- Install and enable this CiviCRM extension.
- Create a CiviCRM Custom Field, alphanumeric field as select field type. This will store the Generation value. Define the Option Values for the Generations.
- Go to the My Generation Settings page,
- Enter the ID of the Generation, Custom Field on the My Generation Settings Page
- Enter the Option Value for each Generation option on the My Generation Settings Page
- Save the settings
- Enable the Scheduled Job,
Calculate Generation for Contacts
This CiviCRM extension was developed by the team at Agileware.
Agileware provide a range of CiviCRM services including:
- CiviCRM migration
- CiviCRM integration
- CiviCRM extension development
- CiviCRM support
- CiviCRM hosting
- CiviCRM remote training services
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