Analysis scripts for Fourcade et al., (2024) - Linking brain-heart interactions to emotional arousal in immersive virtual reality. Psychophysiology. DOI:10.1111/psyp.14696
- BHI_modeling - contains the brain-heart interaction (BHI) modeling and analysis
- ECG - contains the ECG feature extraction (interbeat interval, IBI; heart rate variability, LF/HF-HRV) and analysis
- EEG_power - contains the EEG frequency band (delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma) power extraction and analysis
- HEP - contains the EEG preprocessing and heart-evoked potential (HEP) analysis
- Plots - contains plotting scripts for emotional arousal ratings and mean time-series of all features across participants
- SourceReconstruction - contains the HEP source reconstruction
- State_traits_reports - contains the preprocessing and analysis of questionnaires (valence, presence, stai-t, upps)
The EEG preprocessing (HEP folder) should be run first, before EEG_power, ECG or BHI_modeling.