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Eth<-->Aergo Merkle Bridge

The Eth-Aergo Merkle bridge follows a similar design to the Aergo-Aergo Merkle bridge with some key differences : the total aer supply is already minted on Aergo mainnet (freezed in the Lua bridge contract so Aer is unfreezed/freezed instead of minted/burnt) and the Lua bridge contract needs to verify Ethereum Patricia Lock tree merkle proofs.


$ cd eth-merkle-bridge/
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional dev dependencies (lint, testing...)

$ pip install -r dev-dependencies.txt


The CLI can generate new config.json files, perform cross chain asset transfers and query balances and pending transfer amounts.

$ python3 -m ethaergo_cli.main

Bridge Operator


Start a proposer between an Aergo and an Ethereum network

$ python3 -m ethaergo_bridge_operator.proposer.client -c './test_config.json' -a 'aergo-local' -e 'eth-poa-local' --eth_block_time 3 --privkey_name "proposer" --anchoring_on


Start a validator between an Aergo and an Ethereum network

$ python3 -m ethaergo_bridge_operator.validator.server -c './test_config.json' -a 'aergo-local' -e 'eth-poa-local' --validator_index 1 --privkey_name "validator" --anchoring_on

Running tests

Start 2 test networks locally in separate terminals

$ make docker-eth
$ make docker-aergo

Deploy a test bridge between aergo and ethereum test networks

$ make deploy_test_bridge

In a new terminal : start proposer

$ make proposer

In a new terminal : start validator

$ make validator

In a new terminal : start unfreeze service

$ make unfreeze_service

In a new terminal : test wallet transfers, bridge transfers and the bridge multisig

$ make tests

Remove test networks data

$ make clean