Nifty is a cross-platform library mod that serves as a basis for tech mods targeting both Forge and Quilt/Fabric.
- Abstracted registry system
- Make things exist without ever touching platform-specific code!
- The
class allows for registering arbitrary game objects to any Vanilla registry from your mod's entry point - On Fabric, objects are registered directly and available immediately in the order the
method is called - On Forge, registry is deferred to the correct Forge event via the new resource key
support (#8527)- May be subject to change as this only works for 1.18.2+
- Aspects
- Original system closely mirrored Forge capabilities
- New system is more close to the Fabric API lookup system
- Aspect classes can be registered, then callbacks to certain objects that might contain them can be registered
- On Fabric, this directly translates to the API lookup system
- On Forge, lookups are tied into
and aspects are registered as capabilities
- Mods backed by Nifty can access Aspects registered by other mods through Nifty conditionally
- Mods backed by Nifty can access implementations provided by other mods to a specific platform's system
- On Forge, Aspect lookups can be used to get any registered capability
- Registering an aspect interface on Fabric that already exists in the API lookup will just delegate lookups to the existing system
- Mods that are not backed by Nifty can access any Aspect registered through Nifty via a specific platform's system
- A mod running on Forge can access a specific Aspect without depending on Nifty, just by using
- A Fabric mod can access any Aspect without depending on Nifty by using the API lookup system
- A mod running on Forge can access a specific Aspect without depending on Nifty, just by using
- Some internal Aspects
- Item handlers, with complete compatibility for existing Forge IItemHandlers and the Fabric transfer api
- Includes a simplified implementation using Slot objects to describe an inventory's functionality
- Fluid handlers, same as above
- Energy handlers, same as above + compat for Reborn Team's Energy API on Fabric
- Item handlers, with complete compatibility for existing Forge IItemHandlers and the Fabric transfer api
- Modular UI system
- UiElementTemplates, which can be used to make a UiElement instance for a given Screen (or other rendering scenario)
- A few default template classes
- StaticUiElementTemplate - for boring, static UI elements
- FillingUiElementTemplate - for UI elements that draw differently with a given fill progress, such as vanilla furnace recipe arrows and burn time indicators
- TankUiElementTemplate - for tanks that render with a fluid fill based on the AbstractTankSlot they're passed at render-time
- A default UI set with vanilla ui assets and vanilla-style extras, such as fluid tanks and energy meters of various sizes
- A bit messy, may revisit in the future
- A few default template classes
- ModularMenuScreen
- Renders UI elements added to the base list
- Renders tooltips as defined by the UI elements
- Default tooltips for fluid and energy handler UI elements
- Integrated item slot ui elements with menu slots
- UiElementTemplates, which can be used to make a UiElement instance for a given Screen (or other rendering scenario)
- More UI stuff
- Extra templates
- Energy usage over time graph like Satisfactory's would be very cool
- Correct itemstack placement for offset slots such as the vanilla set's output slot
- Extra templates
- Tentatively, multiblocks
- Rendering hooks
- Holograms
- Selection systems with item settings and syncing
- Radial menus from abandoned multitool project
- Math & other rendering utils
- Abstracted configs
- Avoid the extra dependency on Forge
- Depend on Cloth or similar on Fabric
- Simplified implementation as compared to Forge's configs
- Abstracted networking
- Abstracted tags deferring to platform tags