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Adzerk Python Decision SDK

Python Software Development Kit for Adzerk Decision & UserDB APIs


Requires Python 3.7.6 or higher.

PyPI Package

pip install adzerk-decision-sdk

Or add to your requirements.txt file:



API Credentials & Required IDs

  • Network ID: Log into Adzerk UI & use the "circle-i" help menu in upper right corner to find Network ID. Required for all SDK operations.
  • Site ID: Go to Manage Sites page to find site IDs. Required when fetching an ad decision.
  • Ad Type ID: Go to Ad Sizes page to find Ad Type IDs. Required when fetching an ad decision.
  • API Key: Go to API Keys page find active API keys. Required when writing to UserDB.
  • User Key: UserDB IDs are specified or generated for each user.

Fetching an Ad Decision

import adzerk_decision_sdk

# Demo network, site, and ad type IDs; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
client = adzerk_decision_sdk.Client(23, site_id=667480)

request = {
  "placements": [{"adTypes": [5]}],
  "user": {"key": "abc"},
  "keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2"],

response = client.decisions.get(request)

Recording Impression & Clicks

Use with the fetch ad example above.

# Impression pixel; fire when user sees the ad

# Click pixel; fire when user clicks on the ad
# status: HTTP status code
# location: click target URL
status, location =

UserDB: Reading User Record

import adzerk_decision_sdk

# Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
client = adzerk_decision_sdk.Client(23)
record ="abc")

UserDB: Setting Custom Properties

import adzerk_decision_sdk

# Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
client = adzerk_decision_sdk.Client(23)

props = {
  "favoriteColor": "blue",
  "favoriteNumber": 42,
  "favoriteFoods": ["strawberries", "chocolate"],

client.user_db.set_custom_properties("abc", props)

UserDB: Forgetting User Record

import adzerk_decision_sdk
import os

# Demo network ID and API key; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
api_key = os.environ.get("ADZERK_API_KEY")
client = adzerk_decision_sdk.Client(23, api_key=api_key)

Decision Explainer

The Decision Explainer returns information on a Decision API request explaining why each candidate ad was or was not chosen.

import adzerk_decision_sdk
import os

# Demo network, site, and ad type IDs; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
api_key = os.environ.get("ADZERK_API_KEY")
client = adzerk_decision_sdk.Client(23, site_id=667480)

request = {
  "placements": [{"adTypes": [5]}],
  "user": {"key": "abc"},
  "keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2"],

options = {
  "include_explanation": True,
  "api_key": api_key

response = client.decisions.get(request, **options)

The response returns a decision object with placement, buckets, rtb logs, and result information.

  "div0": {
    "placement": {},
    "buckets": [],
    "rtb_log": [],
    "results": []

The "placement" object represents a decision in which an ad may be served. A Explainer Request can have multiple placements in the request. The "buckets" array contains channel and priority information. The "rtb_logs" array contains information about Real Time Bidding. The "results" array contains the list of candidate ads that did and did not serve, along with a brief explanation.


The Adzerk Decision SDK uses the built-in Python logging mechanism to capture log data. By default, warning and error messages will be sent to stderr even if no logger is configured.

To configure different log levels for the SDK, you first have to configure logging for your application. A simple configuration that enables informational level logging application wide would be:

import logging

# This represents your logging framework being initialized, usually by Flask or
# Django, etc.  This will create a base handler that will output to sys.stderr,
# but you can override the config in several ways:

# Set both the client & rest loggers to INFO to avoid over-the-wire debug logs.

# Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
client = Client(23)

As a convenience, you can optionally specify a logger_file parameter to the Client and it will create an additional Python log handler that will send Adzerk Decision SDK logs to the named file. A few tips:

  1. Depending on your app logging config this might create duplicate logs between this file and your normal logging destination.
  2. It's probably a good idea to use the logging.DEBUG level in this case to get all the over-the-wire debug info.
  3. You can also pass in a logger_format parameter to control how the logs will be displayed. This requires the logger_file parameter too. More info on how to format messages:
# OPTIONAL use of an ADDITIONAL logger file for SDK messages only;
# logger_format is optional but ignored unless logger_file is present;
# Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
client = Client(23, logger_file="adzerk-python.log", logger_format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s")



Reporting Issues


To install dependencies and run the builds associated with this SDK, please use:

pip install flake8
pip install --requirement requirements.txt
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
python sdist bdist_wheel