Unbabel's PHP SDK is a wrapper around the HTTP API found at http://developers.unbabel.com/v2/docs
- PHP >= 5.3
The recommended way to install is through composer.
Just create a composer.json
file for your project:
"require": {
"unbabel/unbabel-php": "dev-master"
Tip: browse unbabel/unbabel-php
page to choose a stable version to use, avoid the dev-master
meta constraint.
And run these two commands to install it:
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ composer install
Now you can add the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
* Unbabel's PHP SDK is a wrapper around the HTTP API found at https://github.com/Unbabel/unbabel_api
* // just needed if you don't use composer
* require 'Unbabel.php';
* use Unbabel\Unbabel;
* use Unbabel\HttpDriver\Guzzle\GuzzleHttpDriver;
* use Guzzle\Http\Client
* $httpDriver = new GuzzleHttpDriver(new Client());
* $unbabel = new Unbabel('username', 'apiKey', $sandbox = false, $httpDriver);
* // $resp is an instance of \Unbabel\HttpDriver\Response
* $opts = array('callback_url' => 'http://my-awesome-app/unbabel_callback.php');
* $resp = $unbabel->getTranslation($text, $target_language, $opts);
* if ($resp->getStatusCode() == 201) {
* // Hooray! Now we need to get the uid so when we are called back we know which translation it corresponds to.
* $uid = $resp->json()['uid'];
* save_uid_for_callback($uid);
* } else {
* // If you think everything should be working correctly and you still get an error,
* // send email to [email protected] to complain.
* }
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////
* // Other examples
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////
* var_dump($unbabel->getTopics()->json());
* var_dump($unbabel->submit_translation('This is a test', 'pt')->json());
* var_dump($unbabel->getJobsWithStatus('new')->json());
* var_dump($unbabel->getTranslation('8a82e622dbBS')->json());
* var_dump($unbabel->getTones()->json());
* var_dump($unbabel->getLanguagePairs()->json());
* $bulk = [
* ['text' => 'This is a test', 'target_language' => 'pt'],
* ['text' => 'This is a test', 'target_language' => 'es']
* ];
* var_dump(Unbabel::submit_bulk_translation($bulk)->json());