A Chemical Engineer turned Aspiring Data-Science Engineer. My journey has waltzed me through various fields, and I passionately value about integrating my knowledge in Chemical Engineering with Data Science to troubleshoot and paving remedies to complex problems.
- Aero-thermal Sciences
- Computational Engineering
- Backend Web Development
- ML Ops
- Process Engineering
- Python
- C
- C++
- Julia
- Java
- JavaScript
I primarily use OpenFoam for most of my requirements, but I also utilize Matlab and ANSYS for efficient pre and post processing of models.
- NumPy and Pandas (for Python)
- Django (for Python builds)
- TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn (majorly for MLOps and Data Science projects)
- Currently learning Node.js and Express.js to integrate with JavaScript for future projects.
- Aspen V11
- DWSIM (for backend checks)
I am eager to assimilate and broaden my horizons in the fields entailing but not limited to Aero-thermal Sciences, Thermal-Flow Engineering, Web Development, and Machine Learning.
^^Glad that you visited my profile! Feel free to explore my repositories and projects. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, go ahead and shoot me out a mail.^^