Bored by updating go, helm, helmfile, terraform, etc.? You are at the right place 😊.
This repository contains a set of utilities to update the following binaries:
- drone (command Line Tools for Drone CI)
- github-latest (utility to find out the latest release of some project at GitHub)
- go
- go tools (gci, golangci-lint, golint, nancy)
- hadolint (Dockerfile linter)
- hcloud (command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud)
- helm
- helm-docs (tool to generate Helm documentation out of values.yaml)
- helmfile
- kind
- kubectx
- kubens
- kustomize
- protoc (Google protobuf compiler)
- starship (fancy CLI prompt)
- stern (multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes)
- terraform
More update tools are coming.
Just copy wished utility to some of the directories in your $PATH (i.e. /usr/local/bin) and run it.
All binaries will be downloaded to /usr/local/bin. Binaries compiled by Go will be placed in $GOPATH/bin. Go itself will be placed in /usr/local/go (don't forget to add /usr/local/go/bin to your PATH).
- hcloud, kind and kustomize require Go compiler.
- terraform requires jq.
- gotools, kind, update-helm and update-helm2 require github-latest which you can download with update-github-latest.