API for interacting with the CBRAIN Platform
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
- Swagger specification: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/prioux/CBRAIN/
For more information, please visit https://github.com/aces/cbrain
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+https://github.com/aces/cbrain-python-client.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/aces/cbrain-python-client.git
Then import the package:
import cbrain_api
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import cbrain_api
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import cbrain_api
from cbrain_api.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: BrainPortalSession
configuration = cbrain_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['cbrain_api_token'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['cbrain_api_token'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = cbrain_api.BourreauxApi(cbrain_api.ApiClient(configuration))
page = 56 # int | Page number when paginating. See also the per_page parameter (optional)
per_page = 56 # int | Size of each page when paginating. See also the page parameter (optional)
# Get a list of the Bourreaux available to be used by the current user.
api_response = api_instance.bourreaux_get(page=page, per_page=per_page)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BourreauxApi->bourreaux_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:3000
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BourreauxApi | bourreaux_get | GET /bourreaux | Get a list of the Bourreaux available to be used by the current user. |
BourreauxApi | bourreaux_id_get | GET /bourreaux/{id} | Get information about a Bourreau. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_get | GET /data_providers | Get a list of the Data Providers available to the current user. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_browse_get | GET /data_providers/{id}/browse | List the files on a Data Provider. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_delete_post | POST /data_providers/{id}/delete | Deletes unregistered files from a CBRAIN Data provider. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_get | GET /data_providers/{id} | Get information on a particular Data Provider. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_is_alive_get | GET /data_providers/{id}/is_alive | Pings a Data Provider to check if it is running. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_register_post | POST /data_providers/{id}/register | Registers a file as a Userfile in CBRAIN. |
DataProvidersApi | data_providers_id_unregister_post | POST /data_providers/{id}/unregister | Unregisters files as Userfile in CBRAIN. |
GroupsApi | groups_get | GET /groups | Get a list of the Groups (projects) available to the current user. |
GroupsApi | groups_id_delete | DELETE /groups/{id} | Deletes a Group (project). |
GroupsApi | groups_id_get | GET /groups/{id} | Get information on a Group (project). |
GroupsApi | groups_id_put | PUT /groups/{id} | Update the properties of a Group (project). |
GroupsApi | groups_post | POST /groups | Creates a new Group. |
SessionsApi | session_delete | DELETE /session | Destroy the current session |
SessionsApi | session_get | GET /session | Get session information |
SessionsApi | session_post | POST /session | Create a new session |
TagsApi | tags_get | GET /tags | Get a list of the tags currently in CBRAIN. |
TagsApi | tags_id_delete | DELETE /tags/{id} | Delete a tag. |
TagsApi | tags_id_get | GET /tags/{id} | Get one tag. |
TagsApi | tags_id_put | PUT /tags/{id} | Update a tag. |
TagsApi | tags_post | POST /tags | Create a new tag. |
TasksApi | tasks_get | GET /tasks | Get the list of Tasks. |
TasksApi | tasks_id_get | GET /tasks/{id} | Get information on a Task. |
TasksApi | tasks_post | POST /tasks | Create a new Task. |
ToolConfigsApi | tool_configs_get | GET /tool_configs | Get a list of tool versions installed. |
ToolConfigsApi | tool_configs_id_get | GET /tool_configs/{id} | Get information about a particular tool configuration |
ToolsApi | tools_get | GET /tools | Get the list of Tools. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_change_provider_post | POST /userfiles/change_provider | Moves the Userfiles from their current Data Provider to a new one. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_compress_post | POST /userfiles/compress | Compresses many Userfiles each into their own GZIP archive. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_delete_files_delete | DELETE /userfiles/delete_files | Delete several files that have been registered as Userfiles |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_download_post | POST /userfiles/download | Download several files |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_get | GET /userfiles | List of the Userfiles accessible to the current user. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_id_content_get | GET /userfiles/{id}/content | Get the content of a Userfile |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_id_get | GET /userfiles/{id} | Get information on a Userfile. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_id_put | PUT /userfiles/{id} | Update information on a Userfile. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_post | POST /userfiles | Creates a new Userfile and upload its content. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_sync_multiple_post | POST /userfiles/sync_multiple | Syncs Userfiles to the local Data Providers cache. |
UserfilesApi | userfiles_uncompress_post | POST /userfiles/uncompress | Uncompresses many Userfiles. |
UsersApi | users_get | GET /users | Returns all of the users in CBRAIN. Only available to admins. |
UsersApi | users_id_delete | DELETE /users/{id} | Deletes a CBRAIN user |
UsersApi | users_id_get | GET /users/{id} | Returns information about a user |
UsersApi | users_id_patch | PATCH /users/{id} | Update information about a user |
UsersApi | users_post | POST /users | Create a new user in CBRAIN. Only available to admins. |
- Bourreau
- CbrainTask
- CbrainTaskModReq
- DataProvider
- FileInfo
- Group
- GroupModReq
- MultiRegistrationModReq
- MultiUserfilesModReq
- RegistrationInfo
- SessionInfo
- Tag
- TagModReq
- Tool
- ToolConfig
- User
- UserModReq
- Userfile
- UserfileModReq
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: cbrain_api_token
- Location: URL query string
The CBRAIN team