Please note that this Github repo is a fork of the master at This version is very likely to be out of date, and is customised for my purposes. I would not advise you to use this repo for any other reason than cherry picking commits.
CloudyScripts is a library that implements tasks that support common usecases on Cloud Computing Infrastructures (such as Amazon EC2 or Rackspace). It aims to facilitate the implementation of usecases that are not directly available via the providers’ API (e.g. like encrypting storage, migrating instances betweem accounts, activating HTTPS). The scripts typically use the provider APIs plus remote access to command-line tools installed on the instances themselves.
gem install CloudyScripts
All scripts are available under /lib/scripts/<provider> They are initialized with a set of parameters and return a well-define set of return values.
Here are the scripts implemented so far:
#DmEncrypt (encrypt Amazon EBS Storage using dm-encrypt)
#CopyAmi (copy Amazon AMI between Regions)
#CopySnapshot (copy Amazon Snapshot between Regions)
#Ami2EbsConversion (create an EBS-Backed Amazon AMI from an Instance-Store Amazon AMI)
#CriticalPortsAudit (check Amazon SecurityGroups for publicly opened critical ports)
#OpenPortChecker (check Amazon SecurityGroups and Instances to found opened port without service running behind)
Frederic Donnat [email protected]