Creating a virtual assistant with python This virtual assistant has specific prompts, such as: "Find a place where I can ..." "Find a video of..." "What is.." "Who is..." "where is..." "tell me about..."
To run this program, please make sure you are connected to the internet, have YouTube and Wikipedia enabled, and have a microphone. Before running the code, please install speech recognition, pywhatkit, python text to speech, and wikipedia. Links to libraries/pip install commands: Speech recognition: pip install SpeechRecognition
Pywhatkit: pip install pywhatkit
Python text to speech: pip install pyttsx3
Wikipedia: pip install wikipedia
TO RUN THIS PROGRAM: 1.)Execute command in terminal: python 2.)wait for "listening to inputs.." to be outputted 3.)Speak into mic with given prompts above 4.)watch as mobile assistant queries / speaks to you