z - A simple CLI tool for encoding and decoding strings.
To use z, you need Go installed on your system. If Go is not already installed, follow the Go installation page.
Clone the repository and build the CLI tool:
git clone https://github.com/aayushbtw/z
cd z
go build -o z
To encode a string, use:
./z -t <algorithm> -e <string>
-t <algorithm>
: Encoding algorithm. Choices:hex
.-e <string>
: String to encode.
./z -t base64 -e "Hello, World!"
To decode a string, use:
./z -t <algorithm> -d <string>
-t <algorithm>
: Decoding algorithm. Choices:hex
.-d <string>
: String to decode.
./z -t base64 -d "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="
For help and usage information:
./z -h