This repository contains a complete implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm in Go, based on the extended Raft paper.
Part 2A: Leader Election
Leader election and heartbeats via AppendEntries RPCs
Election timeouts and term management
Automatic re-election on leader failure
Part 2B: Log Replication
Log entry replication via AppendEntries RPCs
Log consistency checks
Commitment of entries across the cluster
Part 2C: Persistence
Persistent state management
Crash recovery
State machine snapshots
Part 2D: Log Compaction
Log trimming with snapshots
InstallSnapshot RPC implementation
Snapshot state transfer between peers
├── config.go # Test configuration and utilities
├── persister.go # Persistence layer
├── raft.go # Core Raft implementation
├── util.go # Helper functions
└── pkg/
├── labgob/ # Encoding utilities
└── labrpc/ # RPC framework
The Raft implementation supports the following interface:
// Create a new Raft server instance
rf := Make(peers, me, persister, applyCh)
// Start agreement on a new log entry
rf.Start(command interface{}) (index, term, isleader)
// Get current term and leader status
rf.GetState() (term, isLeader)
Run the full test suite with:
go test -race
Or test specific parts:
go test -run 2A -race # Leader election
go test -run 2B -race # Log replication
go test -run 2C -race # Persistence
go test -run 2D -race # Log compaction
The implementation passes all test cases while maintaining reasonable performance metrics (typical full test suite runtime is under 8 minutes).