- Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
- Have a working history.
- Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
- Handle ’ (single quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta-characters in the quoted sequence.
- Handle " (double quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta-characters in the quoted sequence except for $ (dollar sign).
- TODO: parsear stringone
- < should redirect input.
- > should redirect output.
- << should be given a delimiter, then read the input until a line containing the delimiter is seen. However, it doesn’t have to update the history!
- >> should redirect output in append mode.
- Implement pipes (| character). The output of each command in the pipeline is connected to the input of the next command via a pipe.
- Handle environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters) which should expand to their values.
- Handle $? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
- Handle ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ which should behave like in bash.
- ctrl-C displays a new prompt on a new line.
- ctrl-D exits the shell.
- ctrl-\ does nothing.
echo with option -n
cd with only a relative or absolute path
pwd with no options
export with no options
unset with no options
env with no options or arguments
exit with no options
memory leaks.