If you want to test Crossdata you can get our Sandbox follow the instructions of this link (Coming soon)
- APIs for writing custom transformations, interceptors and SQL Syntax–where applicable
This example register the existent type "students" of the Elasticsearch Index "highschool" that has a few rows inserted. Once the table is registered then execute a query by the native way:
>xdContext.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE students USING com.stratio.crossdata.connector.elasticsearch OPTIONS (es.resource 'highschool/students', es.cluster 'elasticsearch', es.node '', es.port '9200', es.nativePort '9300')") >xdContext.sql("SELECT * FROM students").collect()
- The Option required for basic functions are:
- es.resource: Elasticsearch resource location, where data is read and written to. Requires the format <index>/<type>, Required.
- es.cluster: indicates the name of the Elastic Search cluster, Required.
- es.node: List of Elasticsearch nodes to connect to. (default localhost)
- es.port: HTTP/REST port used for connecting to Elasticsearch (default 9200)
- es.nativePort Native port used for connecting to Elasticsearch (default 9300)
The Elasticsearch-Hadoop configuration options are in: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/hadoop/current/configuration.html