Crossdata provides a sandbox that allows to test its functionality. This sandbox includes Crossdata 1.0.0.
If you are using Windows system you will need: Git Console or CGYWin
Start with Crossdata is very easy. Just follow this steps:
> mkdir CrossdataSandbox > cd CrossdataSandbox > vagrant init stratio/crossdata
At this point we have the vagrant file with the Crossdata configuration ready to start.:
> vagrant up
Now, the sandbox is ready to run.:
> vagrant ssh
Done! You can test Crossdata as you want.
When you finish your tests, you can stop it.:
> vagrant halt
and you can remove the vagrant instance.:
> vagrant destroy
You can get the OVA file with the Sandbox from this [link]( Once it has been downloaded, just import in your Virtual Box.
##### I am in the same directory that I copy the Vagrant file but I have this error::
A Vagrant environment or target machine is required to run this command. Run vagrant init to create a new Vagrant environment. Or, get an ID of a target machine from vagrant global-status to run this command on. A final option is to change to a directory with a Vagrantfile and to try again.
Make sure your file name is Vagrantfile instead of Vagrantfile.txt or VagrantFile.
##### When I execute vagrant ssh I have this error:
ssh executable not found in any directories in the %PATH% variable. Is an SSH client installed? Try installing Cygwin, MinGW or Git, all of which contain an SSH client. Or use your favorite SSH client with the following authentication information shown below:
We need to install Cygwin or Git for Windows.
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